Bandage Removal

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Bandage Removal

Post by admin »

To null, my daughter also has allergic and sensitive skin and is allergic to the Polysporin and Neosporin. I wanted to let you know that it is important to put this information on school records once they are in school because they use that stuff like it's nothing. My daughter gets welts and a rash everywhere from it.
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2001 2:57 pm

Re: Bandage Removal

Post by Jeanne »

Mary Jane, my 9 year old daughter, Alyssa has the TT done in June 9th. It took us 2 hours to remove the bandages. She has very sensitive skin so we had to take our time ands she was so worried that we would hurt something or pull out a stitch. After we took the first set off, we got paper tape, then a week later when our ped seen us for a wound check, he said it would be ok to leave the bandages off since everything was healing. Alyssa was so thrilled to hear this. She has been out of the splint during the day for almost 5 weeks and is improving greatly!
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Re: Bandage Removal

Post by Ginne »

I found that vinegar works wonders. Saturate a cotton swab or cotton ball, apply to the bandage and work from one end [of the bandage] to the other slowly peeling off.

Good luck
