Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

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Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by brandonsmom »

Thank you Jennifer and the whole Chicago BPI Support Group.......on behalf of my family we would say thank you to you and Dr. Nath. It was refreshing to hear our good more required surgery...just cosmetic if we wish and like I have said is truly wonderful to be able to see Dr. Nath somewhere closer to home than going all the way to Houston !!! All your hard work is sooooo appreciated. You have no idea how thankful we are for all your hard work. The location couldn't have been better. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!

Gayle and Dave
Parents of Brandon ROBPI 7 years old !!!
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by Chloesmom »

Yes-I also wanted to thank Jennifer and everyone who coordinated the event today. It was the first time I have spoke in person to other families going through what we are. Dr. Nath agreed with Dr. Park that Chloe does not need primary surgury. Now we just wait to see if she needs mod squad or any other procedures.
Thank you again.

mother of Chloe ROBPI 41/2 months old
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by sferet »

Thank You Jennifer for all of the work that you and the other members put in, that enabled us to have our kids evaluated in our hometown (Chicago). Thank you for squeezing in my son Joey (8yrs old), at the last minute. Dr. Nath does feel that although Joey is doing well, he would benefit from surgery. He would then be able to turn his hand all the way over and reach behind his back. We are a little reluctant to surgery as Joey has ADHD and can't sit quiet while he would need to be healing.
Seeing all of the kids being evaluated made me realize that I need to become more active in your support efforts. I want to offer hope to the mom's of newborns with obpi's and get hope from those parents of older kids.
Thanks again, Jennifer!
Joey's Mom
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by admin »

This is the first post that i have seen Dr. Park's name mentioned. Does anyone have any opinions about this doctor compared to the others. I have been taking Ashley (4months) there and am hoping that I am doing the right thing.

Thank you anyone for your insight.
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by Jeanne »

Yes, I also want to thanks all involved in making Saturday happen. We arrived at 10:20am and were assigned to the 11am appointment time slot and were seen at 11:10am. The inside location was wonderful. The kids had a great time and loved the balloons and snacks. We prepared all our questions beforehand and all were answered. Dr. Nath even popped a CD in his computer showing us a video he made of Alyssa before her TT surgery. He did say that she would need the bicep tendon lengthening done in the future. She had this done about 4-5 years ago, but Dr, Nath did say that this could grow back and the postion of her arm in the TT splint also affected her elbow contracture. Out of all her surgeries, bicep lengthening was very minor and least traumatic for her. We are to send a video of Alyssa to him in 3-4 months. We were also told Alyssa can now starting addind resistance in her therapy. Alyssa has full supination and Dr. Nath said we can expect full pronation at some point.

Thanks again Jennifer and Chicago BPI Support Group!
kd's daddy
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by kd's daddy »

I forgot to thank you all again for all you have did. It was incredible to see all the children with bpi. I couldnt hardly tell on most of them. And the pt with Dr.Nath was great she talked to our OT for a long time about exercises and I know she appreciated it as well as us. Thanks again Dr. Nath and team.

Also chicago bpi
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by jaredsmomdeb »

Thankyou you Jennifer and very one else that has helped put together the day, thanks again for geting us in earlier then planned.Dr.Nath told us that Jared will need 2 more surgeries and yes the whole stress with that but i know that i trust his opinion and will go forth in planning to have them done.Jared just turned 8 in june and he has already has had 4 surgeries so far, well thanks again for all your hard work. i jsut started making my ribbens to pass out and to take to school for jared to pass out. thanks,debbie
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Re: Thank you Chicago BPI Support Group

Post by CyndiAnn3 »

Special Thanks to Jennifer and everyone who helped make the Chicago Visit a success! Being an older ROBPI, I can't tell you how impressed I was with the way most of the children were using their arms. Equally impressive was the dedication of the parents and medical people.
God Bless all of you!