Surgery easy part : getting the time off and being able to afford

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Posts: 8
Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:45 am

Surgery easy part : getting the time off and being able to afford

Post by fit4lfe »

I got a really good question to all on this forum :::

what do you do when your 25 years old, married and have two kids to support

I'm the only one working right now wife taking care of a newborn so: What I want to know is what have the guy/girls done about getting surgery but still can afford to pay the bills, cause I was told 6 weeks minimum for recover if I WAS lucky
pls share your thought on this particular subject

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Joined: Thu May 06, 2004 8:26 am

Re: Surgery easy part : getting the time off and being able to afford

Post by james »

I was in a similar situation earlier this year, My place of work is/are well aware of my shoulder problem, and the fact of me going to for surgery was a concern but, I'm lucky to have good employer and a job that I could just a bout manage one handed. My surgery left me in a body cast with elevated arm and shoulder and trying to get about on a crutch for two weeks.

My employer did tell me not to rush back and they laid on transport for nearly three months!

I was told 6-7 weeks of work but I was bored after just 2 and returned to work, taking it really easy!
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Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:11 pm

Re: Surgery easy part : getting the time off and being able to afford


check your states disability program. when I had surgery in '00 i got money from the state for my time off of work. it wasn't 6 weeks though. but check into it. you could also check with welfare about emergancy $$ and foodstamps while you recover.
