Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

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Logan's mom
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Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by Logan's mom »

Trying again to get some feedback from you all. I posted two days ago and no one responded.
Has anyone heard of an ostectomy where they shave part of the child's scapula down so that the shoulder is pulled back up?? Dr. Nath says it is a fairly new procedure and wants to perform it on Logan (almost 7 now) so that her shoulder is more formed, it slopes down really bad.
He said to get some opinions of the procedure and after effects from some parents.
Please, anyone?????????????
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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!


I am so sorry that you haven't gotten any responses yet. Did you post on the General OBPI board? I think the surgery is osteotomy. I don't know anything about it. I know that someone has, and will get back to you soon.

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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by PeggyF »


I emailed you; while I don't have a personal experience, I know someone who can tell you about it but she's away until the 23rd of this month.

Logan's mom
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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by Logan's mom »

Thanks, guys!
Yes, it is an ostECtomy. She does not and has not had the osteotomy. This is something Dr. Nath said is new within the last 6 months or so. We are so hesitant since it's new, NOT that ANYTHING with the injury since day one has been black and white!!!
Any info would be great, I am hoping someone's child has had it- we need an opinion!
Thanks again!!!
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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!


Oh, sorry Natalie. Once again I hope you get all the info you need.

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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by PeggyF »


I'm afraid I read that wrong, as well. Sorry.
Good luck and when you do find out more, please post.

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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by admin »

I have not heard of that one, and my son had surgery in March with Dr. Nath. He did mention that if the TT didnt work, we would see where he was in Aug. when he would see my son and then we would see if my son was a candidate. I have to be honest though, I wouldnt let Dr Nath utter the words of what the next procedure was because I didnt want to know that there may be the need for another procedure. My son is 6 months post op from the TT but looks great, I will see Dr Nath on the 31st, I will ask him what it is exactly. Does he mention anything on his web site?
Good luck with finding out and if you do, please let us all know.
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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by katep »

I'm sitting here looking at my Gray's Anatomy, and it looks to me like the entire top of the scapula has *muscles* attached to it?! (posterior deltoid and trapezius) What does Dr. Nath say happens to the attachments of these muscles when the scapula is "shaved down"?

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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by admin »

We saw Dr Nath in Chicago. We are interested in haveing our son have the bone surg. Our therapist has heard him talk and so has our neurologist. We were set to go to Texas for the surg but our ins co denied it and the appeal that we filed. I have only heard good things about dr nath and hope that my son can get this surg.
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Re: Ostectomy?? Trying again here... PLEASE HELP!!

Post by Marnie »

If you all are speaking of the new surgery called the Triangle Tilt, Where they cut the clavicle and the acromion, I can give my feedback as my son has just had this surgery July 28th. I have put together a photo album of before and after pictures if you are interested in seeing them! We are very pleased with the result so far, Peyton has been out of his splint for 2 weeks now.