Working Moms

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:24 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Lauren, I am from Illinois. When I got 0-3 services for my Jill it was in the mid 1980's. Back then, I contacted my Public Health Dept. They did not come to your house then, but they do now. If that is not the correct place, maybe they could send you in the right direction. If not, you could check in at your local school and see if they know, were to go for Early Intervention.
Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:24 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by Angela Butterfly »

I got to thinking....and it is possible the office I went to was in the same building as the public health dept.....but it might have been "The _________ County Special Services Unit". Which is School related, but for special needs. I know for sure this office is now located in a different building on the other side of the same city. As I have posted before, in my county, the Special Ed dept. is only in the city of my county seat, and serves all the different school districts of the entire county.

Do you know the name of your Special Education Department? I am guessing they could name it anything.

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Re: Working Moms

Post by k1999 »

I assume you are a single mom? I took a paycut and went down to four days. My mom, husband and I took turns with the pt appoints which were 2x per week.

I do not know your family situation, but YOU HAVE TO GET EVERYONE TO HELP. Managing this injury is not just the mom's job. My husband used vacation time which he had accrued.

However if you are single, try to get any extended family members to help you out. My mom, my mother in law (who is in her 70s) and my sisters in laws all were very willing to learn the therapy range of motion excercises and help out. As far as therapy appointments, therapists for 0-3 programs may be able to come to your house. Is your child in daycare? Maybe you can make arrangements for therapy there?

Good luck and don't give up!
Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
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Re: Working Moms

Post by Angela Butterfly »

K1999, That is a good idea....however, unfortunately there are actually families, husbands, etc that REFUSE to help. I would be yelled at whenever I asked...or bullied down. This (being bullied down)was done by my husbands sister, that lived nearby. My mother-in-law was a CNA, and she did not help either. They are all very selfish people.

Years before, I asked my 3 able brothers for help, as I took on the responsibility of my older developmentally delayed brother. At the time, both of my parents were living. NO ONE would help me....and when I asked they would YELL. I gave up and just did it (for my brother) myself. I brought my brother to live with me when I was 18 and he 24....I had my own one bedroom apartment, a job earning $50.00 each week, no car and no money.

When my mother was dying of cancer, I was working full time, pregnant, and she became bedfast. She needed no real medical she was at home. I hired a CNA to to week days, and I did Sat & Sun (I was working M-F at my job). My dad did the evenings, but he treated my mother poorly (read between the lines). I asked a brother, that lived nerby) to sit with mom on a Saturday that I had to work, and he again yelled at me. I went to work the next day and got sick at work. Years later I learned that my co-workers thought I would loose my baby, I was under so much stress.

YOU have a GOOD family.
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon May 23, 2005 10:49 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by k1999 »

Hi Angela,

I am sooo sorry to hear that.

I actually heard about some awful Dr. Phil episode where the father was actually complaining that his wife no longer paid attention to him because she was so concerned with her child's brachial plexus injury. I have such RAGE when I hear this sort of thing and I DO realize that I am EXTREMELY lucky.

Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:24 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Dear K1999, I chose to RISE above it. I am single, and the mother of 3 daughters all in college. I own my own home, & drive a sebring convertable (it represented FREEDOM).

When I divorced my husband, I also divorced from my brothers.....they are all so much alike. The brother that lived nearby, that refused to help me with our mother, at the time, told me "I had better not help mom either, because I was going to make our Dad mad, and I would be written out of the inheritance". Later that same brother ORDERED me to rescend the Order of Protection I had against my husband. I also went to another brother, and finally explained what I was living with and that brother said, "well, what he did to you wasn't really all that bad was it?" My ex only hurt me badly enough that I only went for medical treatment on 2 occasions....thats all.

Consequently I managed to divorce my husband and my brothers.....thank god by then my dad was dead.

A few months before I finally got the O.P. I told my mother-in-law what her son was doing to me.....her reply "Didn't you know what you were marrying, before you married?" I was married to the youngest of the three "A" brothers. At last count the 3 "A" brothers have 5 ex-wives. Non of us shared with each other, until I went around and asked each what they lived with, after I got out.