Working Moms

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome

Working Moms

Post by Mom2cmgrej »

Are there any working moms out there that can give some insight into how I can do physical therapy and occupational therapy appts plus work with my son at home the way I need to and still work full time? I am in California, is there a leave that I can take or use for time off for these appts instead of vacation or sick time. I am so worried about how I am going to do all this and work, and I have to work right now and will probably have to work for the next year. I am already getting a late start because my son is 9 months old. Suggestions or experiences please. Thank you so much.
Lauren (mom to Brooke)
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:25 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by Lauren (mom to Brooke) »

Hi. My daughter is six months old, so this issue is near and dear to my heart. I was planning to only take off the alotted 6 weeks of paid disability my company provides, but when Brooke was injured, I obviously needed more. Look into whether or not your company has an FMLA plan (Family Medical Leave). You can take this time either in a lump sum, or intermittently (sp.?). Anyway, the time totals three months, minus your disability leave time and it is unpaid. However, it does prevent your company from firing you, and does give you the time you need for your child. This is a yearly program, so it is available every calendar year as long as it is doctor verified.
If this is not available, talk to your manager. I took the three months and then went back to the office and still needed more time for surgery and therapy. My manager arranged for me to be able to take the time I needed unpaid eventhough I wasn't "allowed it" through the company policy.

If you need any more info about the FMLA leave feel free to e-mail me offline.

I know it's hard, but not to worry about this stuff, it seems to always have a funny way of working out. Just keep your head up and keep trying!

Good Luck!

Re: Working Moms

Post by Mom2cmgrej »

Hi Lauren,

I already used the FMLA when he was born, I came back to work when my baby was close to 4 months old. We also have a Paid Family Leave in CA which is an additional 6 weeks and I used that also. I was going to inquire to see if since the FMLA started in 2004 then I would be eligible again this year or would I have to wait until 2006. I left on 9-24-04 and returned on 1/31/05.
Lauren (mom to Brooke)
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:25 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by Lauren (mom to Brooke) »

That's a good idea to look into that again. Your state is great about leave time! I wish Illinois had the extra 6 weeks. Anyway, I found therapy close to my work and attend sessions with my daughter during my lunch. It might be worth trying to find a caregiver that would drive your child to therapy by your office during the day.

Also, involve your caregiver in as much therapy related stuff as you can. If they come to therapy sessions with you (transporting your child to & from therapy) you won't have to worry about not being home all day because your caregiver will know exactly what to do.

Hope this helps a little.

Site Admin
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Re: Working Moms

Post by admin »

I don't know about your state but in my state Early Intervention has therapists who can come to your house. I think I saw the link before maybe someone who is good with links *winks at richinma* can get info about the program.
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Re: Working Moms

Post by KristieM »

Have you checked out your state's Infants and Toddler's Program? It's a federally funded program that will provide FREE PT/OT if you child is qualified. To be qualifed, you child only has to show a disability. There are no income requirements! It took me until my child was 18 months to find out about the I&T program. Nurses will go to your child's daycare to perform services - no appts, no co-pays, no time off work. Check it out! :-)
Lauren (mom to Brooke)
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2005 4:25 pm

Re: Working Moms

Post by Lauren (mom to Brooke) »


I did a google search on infants and toddler program for illinois and couldn't find anything. Do you have a link or can you tell me where to look for this program?

Posts: 1064
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Re: Working Moms

Post by TNT1999 »

Hi, Lauren. This might be what you're looking for, not sure. The link is: (checkout the link too b/c there are lots of helpful numbers on this link and also other helpful info. on the website).

Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth through 2
Rick Ingraham, Part C Coordinator
Children and Family Services Branch
Department of Developmental Services
1600 9th Street, Room 330, MS 3-8
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 654-2773; (800) 515-2229
