Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome

Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by Mom2cmgrej »

I don't even really remember him using his left arm, I know that it was not limp and did not just lay at his side. But I do notice in pictures that he is not moving it like the right one and he does not grip with it at all.
Shane's Dad
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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by Shane's Dad »

My son Shane's right arm was affected, but he always had good hand and finger movement.The hospital staff told my wife and I that he should get function in about 3 months. Well, two surgeries and three years later he still doesn't have much movement in his bicep or deltoid. Now we are looking at yet another surgery to do a muscle transfer.

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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by TNT1999 »

Nicole's arm and hand were completely paralyzed / limp at birth. In the hospital picture, you can see her R arm bent w/the hand fisted and her L arm down by her side. At almost 3 months, she started recovering some arm movement. Then, at nearly 4 months old, she started getting some finger movement (just tiny flickers that you could see if you were really lookning).

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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by JaimeC »

Completely limp at birth. Nothing....no wrist or hand. Started to lift should while laying down around 2 months, ever so slight elbow while laying down around 4 months, tiny flickers of finger movement around 6 months...(like Tina - only if you looked closely)
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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by kamren »

My mother says my arm was completely limp up til the end of my 3rd month. My mother has it written in my Baby book that I moved my finger for the very first time.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 10 year old Jessica born on 9/6/03 with a LOBPI.
Mostly recovered, no surgery, still has remaining functional deficits
including no active external rotation.
Location: The Woodlands, TX

Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by JessicasMom »

Jessica's arm was completely limp at birth, she had only wrist and finger movement. It was at least 2 months before she had any noticeable movement and that was the across the chest flop. She was a few days past 3 months old when she had hand to mouth against gravity.

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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by admin »

Libby (23 months LOBPI) had good hand, fingers and wrist at birth. Her arm was limp.
At about 2 weeks she started to shrug her shoulder to move her arm around.
At six weeks we were admitted to Early Intervention, and she could move her arm quite a bit, and only sometimes would she show a waiters tip position. But there was no true bicep until 3 1/2 months.
Now at 23 months, her deficits are minor, most people would not notice (my siblings are always asking which arm), but I'm sure all the parents here would notice...

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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by claudia »

Juliana had nothing. I remember them telling me that it was okay because she had circulation--her hand was pink. They also pressed their three fingers into her hand to see if it would grasp... sure, while they held onto her hand with their other hand.. see they said, she has grasp... hmmmmm... why couldn't i get that response at home??? Like Tina, in those pictures taken immediately after birth, her feet are up, her right hand is up and her left arm is flaccid.

We didn't have any function by 4 months, when we went to TCH for primary. It was months after that when we started to see improvement.

Juliana's scores for function were all 0/5 except for the hand--her pinky moved a little, so they gave her a 0-1/5.... ick.

Ahhh, but she is a force to be reckoned with---so watch out!!!

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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by katep »

bumping for Molly
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Re: Was anyone's child's arm *not* completely paralyzed at first?

Post by Mare »

Frankies arm was completely paralyzed from shoulder to fingers no movement till after primary at age 12 months then he would scrug his shoulder at 14 1/2 yr old and 4 surgery's he is still very limited to scrugging his shoulder bending at the elbow and slight movement of wrist and fingers his arm is non function at this point. Funny about the hospitals they never said more then his shoulder was sprained and pinned it to his shirt. told us he would be fine in 6 weeks.