Too Many X-RAY ?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Angela Butterfly
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Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Hi, I am mom to Jill, LOBPI age 21.
Throughout the years my Jill has NEVER had a CAT or MRI, but did have an ENORMOUS amount of X-Ray's taken, of her severe LOBPI. Since her injury affected so many areas, LEFT Torso, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Hand, Fingers. She would be X-rayed galore. From 1984 through 2000.

Some background relating to my eventual question: When Jill was a senior in high school 2001-2002, she was getting sick alot, with one thing, then the next. Her blood work showed a little off for thyroid, ie Slugish, but not the GP said lets just watch, and do another blood workup in 4 months.....did that, and still just WATCH, since not real bad.

Then at her annual exam at her college health center, early 2004, the Nurse Practioner noticed an enlargement at her throat, and said she should go back to her GP. Jill did that and the GP had her swallow the Iodine Pill and get the SCAN at 8 hours & 24 hours, to see how the thyroid took in the iodine. Whatever the results.....the GP said lets still WATCH.

NOW, since Jill is 21.....she does not want my involvement (I think she is burned out on MOM, and all the OBPI stuff I had to do).
Here is the thing.....she still has that LUMP in her throat.....and NO treatment, or medication. BOTH of my parents, ie her grandparents, died of CANCER.

Does anyone know the accumulative affect of X-RAY's (Jill had SOOO many over the years) and the possible relationship to this LUMP in her throat?
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by tcon »

I dont know if this will help but I too have a thyroid condition (I have had no x-rays). I am on synthroid and I had an ultrasound last year because of an enlarged throid. It was fine and thyoid conditions are very common in women. Your daughter may have a borderline thyroid condition that they want to just watch. It couldn't hurt tpo have her checked out by an endocrynologist (I dont know how to spell). PS if she is borderline now, she should def be checked when/if she wants to start a family. and def post-partum.

Email if you have any questions.
Tim Birk
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Tim Birk »

When I was young (in the 50's), I had frequent problems with my ears. It was common in those days to treat frequent ear problems with xrays. It was discovered years later that those that had xray treatments had a higher incidence of thyroid cancer. So several years ago I had my thyroid tested with iodine. Luckily, it was negative for me, but I would suggest that Jill continue to watch it.
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by CW1992 »

Hi Tim,
That has always concerned me about X-rays! When Britt was born they scooped her away to X-ray her shoulder. From then, she has had X-ray after X-ray (scoliosis x-rays mostly - oh and also the 'left hip dysplasia' X-rays....) and every 4 to 6 months seemed too much but I did it because the doctors said to. When she got older I got to know her body her 'down times - good times' and prolonged the appts because I was a little worried when I knew that soon- with sports - she'd improve again. I think that every parent will learn what their child's cycle is - the good months and the bad months - and too many X-rays during the 'slow' times can't help but only make you more worried - you have to learn your child's cycle if that makes sence. I don't like to get Britt X-rayed until after summer - not before - before I know that swim team will cause a big difference in her. I would hate to get her x-rayed around November because that is a slow time for her and her X-rays would probably freak me out about her spine. What I've learned though is that she does get better, then worse, then better - and no matter what we do it is all temporary as far as function - depends on how much of the child's life that you want to dedicate to continueing the "better".
Hope I made sense,
Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Tim, Thank you for your reply. I was especially glad that you were tested in the same manner as Jill. At the time, when she was being tested for this I didn't think about all those X-rays.....until this summer, I find myself posting about her having x-rays looking for boney deformities. I suspected they COULD be part of the problem.

It doesn't help, that a woman I work with, in February 2005, had a physical and a swelling of her throat (the outside of her neck) was noticed. She never had the Iodine test. She went to see an ear nose & throat Dr., and they did a BIOPSY. Yup...Cancer. So I also wondered if Jill should have other testing done.

She REFUSES to go to another doctor and wants to stick with the GP.
Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Terri, Thanks for the info & offer...I do have questions....just can't focus my mind on them right will e-mail you another day.
Posts: 3242
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am ROBPI, global injury, Horner's Syndrome. No surgery but PT started at 2 weeks old under the direction of New York Hospital. I wore a brace 24/7 for the first 11 months of my life. I've never let my injury be used as an excuse not to do something. I've approach all things, in life, as a challenge. I approach anything new wondering if I can do it. I tried so many things I might never have tried, if I were not obpi. Being OBPI has made me strong, creative, more determined and persistent. I believe that being obpi has given me a very strong sense of humor and compassion for others.
Location: New York

Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Kath »

I also have had tons of Xrays from head to toe and florascoped constantly when I was a child for all the lung problems. I thought about this a few times but since I am 65 I guess its not as big a deal as I thought...

I think Jill should have another test but after this winter === Lot's of Luck=== I really think the kid has had it for a while... maybe in the fall she will be more open to more tests. I hope so.
Kath robpi/adult

Kathleen Mallozzi
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Carrie »

I asked (because I've topped 100 x-rays at least) the technician last time and she assured me that there is no more radiation in a modern xray than you'd get from a cell phone.
Site Admin
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by admin »

So why do the technicians go behind the lead screen while they do the x ray? And why do they ask if you're pregnant if it's no more risky than a cell phone? I find this worrying!
Angela Butterfly
Posts: 483
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Re: Too Many X-RAY ?

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Thanks Kath,
I remember reading earlier this month on another post, you spoke about being STUBBORN, in regards to your mother. I thought of my Jill when I read it. But you know how sometimes a 21 year old "KNOWS IT ALL".

Jill thinks I am over doing it, in wanting her to go for more tests....from the beginning I suggested she at least go to an Endochronologist (of course around here that type of Doctor is a 75 mile (one way) road trip. I did recently find that ONE comes to our closest big city (only a 40 mile drive) on a "visiting" basis.

She sternly put me in my place regarding her body & her choice of medical treatment. So I have since kept my mouth a mother must do with her adult children.

I also thinks she HATES it when I am right. You see, when she first scheduled her Iodine Scan, I warned her about THAT Hospital (although the closest hospital to us, only Hospital in our county-they have a history of screwing up) Yup....when her appointment time came the machine was broke. She called up another hospital in the neighboring county & got her iodine scan done then is was December 2004.