MRI didn't show any abnormality's

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MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by Annekeg »

Today I saw the third specialist (plastic surgent)after 3 mri's. Nerve studies showed that my injury had to be in the brachial plexus area, my simptons confirm that however now the mri didn't show anything tke specialist was very suprised and he sends me to the neurologist again. My injury is now half year ago and there's no improvement. I know I have to be patient but that'sa sooooo hard! I also get very confused by seeing 3 specialists: orthopedic surgent, plastic surgent and a neurologist.

I was just wondering if more people recognise this. Did anyone of you have mri without results?

Thanks for giving me the opportunitie to blow of some steam and for asking my questions!

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Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by lizzyb »

My MRI results were inconclusive too, although by that stage £ months after injury) it was pretty much certain to all the Drs who examined me that I had multiple avulsions..I had no idea what the word 'avulsion' meant by then.

Something did show on the MRI but, if I remember correctly, it was the damage to the muscles in my neck more than the nerve damage that showed up.

I would have thought that after 3 MRI's they would have some clue whats going on with your arm. Sorry I can't be much help...

Lizzy B

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Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by lizzyb »

*sigh* it should say '3 months after injury' in my post above.

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Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by admin »

Hi, Thanks for your reply, the mri's were taken of different area's : neck, shoulder and the bp area.
Hope that the nerve studies the 5th of July will tell more.


Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by karlos »

My MRI showed up no avulsions, so my doc went in for a look C567 avulsed
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Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's


Hi- I noticed your post and although I don't suffer from BPI, My one year old son has ROBPI. He has had 2 MRI's and both showed that all nerves were avulsed. Which after primary surgery, the doc told us that that was wrong. As far as he could see- 2 were. I do know that MRI's are not the most relibale source when looking for nerve damage. Javier also had 2 EMGs and an Xray. Hope you hear some news soon and I hope its not too too bad.

Best of luck!
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Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by admin »

mri are very inconclusive.. my mri was normal emg suggest c5 c6 root avulsion.. had a cervival myleogram that showed ventrical widening of the c5 opening meaning the c5 nerve root was streached.. My accident was 7.5 months ago.. 4 months post injury i started regaining movment .. now with therapy and working out the athropied muscles are rebuilding an i'm finally starting to get good movent again... good luck
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Re: MRI didn't show any abnormality's

Post by motoxxxracer_34 »

From what i have been told, mris wont show this. You need to have a Mylogram (mylograph) not sure name. They stick needle in spine full of black dye/fluid then spin you upside down so liquid seeps down to your shoulders and spine. I got shot without being numb and wasnt bad at all. But gave great results, at least thats what dr hentz said. Even though he said the nerves be on the elbow were unrepairable. Yet lately been having a itinching feeling and that static feeling whe you touch yourself in certain area and it feels like electricty runs through your nerves. On me its on the backside of my tbpi an on the inside of elbow/tricep.