Anyone from Maryland?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Trent's mom
Posts: 38
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:21 pm

Anyone from Maryland?

Post by Trent's mom »

I went to our peditracian today for my non-bp child and he mentioned that Dr. Redett from the Hopkins team spoke recently at our local hospital( Carroll County General)about BPI. He did say there were no local OB's at the talk, only peditrician, which I found interesting and discouraging.

Then later today the PT from the Infants and Toddlers program came to work with Trent and she mentioned that she had worked with other parents in the county with BPI children.

I was just wondering if there was anyone local for me that is going through this or has been through this.

Feel free to contact me at my home email.

I hope to hear from someone!!
Posts: 98
Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:48 am

Re: Anyone from Maryland?

Post by babyryd »

Hi Anita,
We're not from Maryland, but we're in Maryland and just met with Dr Redett and Dr Belzberg (We're here from CA for surgery with them). Redett is a pediatric plastic surgeon who frequently works with Dr Belzberg on BPI patients. I hope you are able to meet up with folks in your area, I'm sure it helps, but the folks here on UBPN have been so supportive and helpful, that even though I don't know anyone in our area with BPI, we're all in this together and share similar struggles. Take care!
Jill - Briana's mom
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:26 pm

Re: Anyone from Maryland?

Post by Jill - Briana's mom »

I currently live in the Atlanta area but lived up in Baltimore when I had my daughter..LOBPI up until 2003. Dr. Katherine Alter is an amazing doctor in the area who deals with BPI and we were extremely fortunate to have our daughter see her at 6 weeks. We did our OT/PT thru the Mt. Washington Childrens hospital and I have very good recommendations for therapists experienced with the injury that my Briana went to while we lived there.

I am very familiar with the Infants and Toddler program...what county are you in?

How old is your son? Where did you deliver? Briana just turned 4 on the 27th of May and I had her at Sinai in baltimore.

Karrie in MD
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:56 pm

Re: Anyone from Maryland?

Post by Karrie in MD »

I live in southern Maryland and there are quite a few families that are from the MD/DC/VA area. Alot of us do use Dr. Alter, who is absolutely wonderful. We started out using Dr. Semel from Children's, but she moved to New York. We are very, very pleased with Dr. Alter. We use a PT and OT down in southern Maryland though because it is closer to us. I would be happy to speak to you if you have any questions. My son is 7 years old now with a LOBPI. He has had one surgery to date, with Dr. Nath. He is doing very well. You can e-mail me at Take care.