Should I give it up?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Should I give it up?

Post by BarbH »

I'm pretty frustrated. Jessica's been turned down twice for SSI. My husbands all but given up. But is this the right move? Do we give up or get a lawyer? Or do you even get a lawyer? Im very confused as to what the next steps would be for this.
It said "Her injury is not severe enough to be considered diabling. Therefore, the claim is being denied."
Just how severe does it have to be! She falls when she's running all the time...aarrrgghhh Im so frustrated!
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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by TNT1999 »

We never applied for SSI b/c we didn't meet the income criteria and the way I understand it is that if you don't meet that criteria, then you don't go on any further. I don't really know about hiring an attny, how much it woud cost, if they work on a contingency basis for something like this, etc. I guess only you can decide if you have it in you to go through the fight. You could always contact a lawyer and ask them how their fees work, etc. How old is Jessica? Is she getting services from early intervention? Have they done any recent evaluations on her? I would s/w the early intervention therapists (and of course, based on your own observations) and try to get a good understanding of where Jessica is developmentally. I don't know how SSI works, but it would seem that BPI wasn't an automatically qualifying condition b/c it can vary so much in severity. However, I would think that depending upon the impact the injury has on the child, it would qualify for SSI in some cases, but not others. I guess if it were me, I'd prob. try to approach it as I have the early intervention / school svcs. -- when I've felt that Nicole still needed those svcs., I did a lot of research on educational laws and I fought for the svcs. I hope this helps. I know that it gets frustrating and you get tired of having to fight all the time -- with the school, with the insurance co., etc. etc.

~Tina, Mom to Nicole, 6 y.o. w/LBPI & Joshua, 1 y.o. c/s
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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by Andrew »

Hello Everyone,
I was just wondering what SSI was exactly? Is it only for kids or can adults get it too? I have a Complete RTBPI and was wondering if i was eligible for it? I know it has something to do with social security but that’s it.

Some more insight into this would be great
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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by admin »


Read through the following link and I believe that you will find all of your questions to be answered here.

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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by admin »

I forgot to say to scroll down and you will see info about SSI and more. You will see, "Do you qualify?"

It wouldn't hurt to read other stuff also, but that's where you will find what you are looking for.

Good luck.

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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by Mandie »

Beware though, that website said that Sarah was able to get it but we were denied. Although we were denied for their lack of good reading skills.

Let me explain:

I sent off all of the paperwork required and talked to the lady on the telephone. About 3 mths before applying, Sarah climbed out of her baby bed and fell on her arm so we went to have an x-ray done. Well, the person reviewing our case read that and I guess decided to stop reading because our reason for denial was "her injury did not occur during birth, it was a result of her fall" and I was not happy. I called the worker back and explained that the person reviewing the case was shitty (pardon my french) at his/her job and should be fired. No telling how many people were denied because of their lack of skills. She informed me that I could reapply, meaning go through everything again, and I told her where she can stick it. :)

So read your papers carefully!!

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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by admin »

That website is directly from teh government. Do not go to other websites that say they can help you obtain SSI or another type of disability payment.

Not sure what you mean Mandie, but you have to apply through your local social security office and then everntually work with the government officials who will handle your case. I guess I am confused about your post! :)

Angela Butterfly
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Re: Should I give it up?

Post by Angela Butterfly »

Andrew, I went to the site
mentioned by Krista and also found a listing over in the far left column for a disability starter kit. It gives a choice for Adults or Children ... r_kits.htm