She moved her arm!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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She moved her arm!!!

Post by Chloesmom »

Last night we were at my Moms house and Chloe was laying across her lap. She was stretching and took her BP arm all the way up over her head (just like the shoulder stretch we do) all by herself. She has also been bending it up to her chest when she stretches. she seems to be bending and moving it more since we uped PT. Since then it seems like she just went back to what she was doing and has not moved it over her head again. Could it be a fluke? Will she do it again? Anyone else see their baby start moving like this? Thanks!
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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by katep »

Joshua's movement came back just like this. I got to where I would sneak in to his room to watch him wake up from his nap just to see the movement. It's like with the subconscious movement (like stretching while waking) they don't realize the arm doesn't work and so it does. It was only a matter of time with Joshua before I saw the same movement when he was awake (I don't recall exactly, maybe 2-3 weeks later?)

Anyway, I'm sure you'll see it again! Go Chloe!!

Angela Butterfly
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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by Angela Butterfly »

I am SOOOOOOOO excited for you and your entire family, especially Chleo.
Carolyn J
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI. I am 77 yrs old and never had a name for my injuries until 2004 when I found UBPN at age 66.

My injuries are: LOBPI on upper body and Cerebrael Palsy on the lower left extremities. The only intervention I've had is a tendon transplant from my left leg to my left foot to enable flexing t age 24 in 1962. Before that, my foot would freeze without notice on the side when wearing heels AND I always did wear them at work "to fit in" I also stuttered until around age 18-19...just outgrew therapy for it. Also suffered from very very low self esteem; severe Depression and Anxiety attacks started at menopause. I stuffed emotions and over-compensated in every thing I did to "fit in" and be "invisible". My injuries were Never addressed or talked about until age 66. I am a late bloomer!!!!!

I welcome any and all questions about "My Journey".
Sharing helps to Heal. HUGS do too.
Location: Tacoma WA

Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by Carolyn J »

Heyyyy, Congratulations, Chloe!! Let's celebrate & have a noisy,banging the pots & pans parade around your house. It is soooo heathly & healing to celebrate milestones with a parade & have some fun!
Carolyn J
Carolyn J
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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by admin »

I'm so happy for you. If it happens once it'll happen again. We had one movement once and then didn't see it again for a while, so don't lose hope if it still takes its time. This is wonderful news!!
Posts: 3242
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 4:11 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am ROBPI, global injury, Horner's Syndrome. No surgery but PT started at 2 weeks old under the direction of New York Hospital. I wore a brace 24/7 for the first 11 months of my life. I've never let my injury be used as an excuse not to do something. I've approach all things, in life, as a challenge. I approach anything new wondering if I can do it. I tried so many things I might never have tried, if I were not obpi. Being OBPI has made me strong, creative, more determined and persistent. I believe that being obpi has given me a very strong sense of humor and compassion for others.
Location: New York

Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by Kath »

How wonderful for Chleo an you! I hope she will soon be able to do many more things on her own.
I am sure it was a happy day for you!
Kath robpi/adult

Kathleen Mallozzi
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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by PeggyUBPN »

Congratulations!! This is great news :o) Any new movement is a success and Chloe might be tired from using her new found muscles and resting up to use them more. Keep up the ROM/PT. You'll see more!!

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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by Mandie »

That is AWESOME! Congrats!

BTW, did you ever recieve that email i sent a few days ago? the email addy is

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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by BrokenWingedAngel85 »

Congratulations!!! Yay for Chloe!!!! I hope you continue to make such great progress.

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Re: She moved her arm!!!

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

Way to go Chloe. That's sooo awsome that she's getting some movement back.