SSI Denial

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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SSI Denial

Post by GAmom »

I have a question, is it really worth it to struggle with all that paper work that the SSA puts you thru just for SSI. My son has been denied three times. Our next step is to get a laywer. Is it really worth it? Does he really need it? All the denial paperwork say over and over is that he is not considered disabled under their rules. I just want to know if it was worth it. I am beginning to wonder. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

A concerned, frustrated GAmom!
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Re: SSI Denial

Post by admin »

We get close to $600.00 a month to help pay for
our childs needs, plus we got back pay from the
frist time we app.for SSI....Also you can get
a lawer that takes a %(taken out of back pay)
onley if they win the case for you.
Just a thought........
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Re: SSI Denial

Post by admin »

I think if you have been this far why not continue. Your attorney will have an idea of whether you will get it or not. Good luck!
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Re: SSI Denial

Post by admin »

A question for you all... If you were turned down because social security says your income is too high or you have too many "assets" could getting a lawyer help? Is there a lawyer here that could answer that for us or help in any way?? Ken, maybe??
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Bad fall in June of 2006
Location: right here in Texas

Re: SSI Denial

Post by swhite1 »

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Re: SSI Denial

Post by morgiebear1995 »

What typically would qualify a child for SSI in terms of BPI? I never thought of this, but it makes total sense to me. Good luck!
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Re: SSI Denial


In VA- 2 limbs have to be affected. I couldn't get them to understand that his whole body is affected, even though only one limb is injured.
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Re: SSI Denial

Post by Mare »

I Nj you have to have 2 disabilities we were turned down 3 times then we got a laywer he had a doctor see frankie who said he had ADD that was his second disability he was 18 months can't dio ADD that young but it worked. Yes its worth it no so much for the money but Frankie got therapy everyday for 7 yrs and saw some of the best doctors that our insurance wouldn't cover. They eventually said I made too much money and cut me off I made 12 thousand a yr the cut off was 10 for a single mom. Mare

PS Frankie now 15 1/2 does not have ADD