Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by admin »

If there's a hospital rule for no videotaping and you have your camera there on the side taping it anyway (without them knowing) would this be admissable in court? ...thinking about how you cannot use an audio tape in court unless you have the person's permission - ever get those phone calls from a credit card or the phone company and they tell you that they are taping your phone conversation for quality service and do you agree to it?

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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by SwtBrooke »

WRONG WRONG --- I think not !!! This is absolutely CRIMINAL!!! Yet another powerful organization of elitist, arrogant physicians unwilling to monitor themselves or even properly communicate with patients, not to mention review birthing practices in an effort to make them safer.

In 1988, after working diligently for years on getting a Federal Law passed to protect women through stricter laboratory testing standards, I saw the AMA drop millions of dollars in the final week prior to Congressional vote to lobby against the most crucial element of this Act and all in an effort to protect the richly lined pockets of these physicians. Greed yet again outweighs the fundamental oath they take to "do the patient no harm".

Lisa, I understand your pain and frustration, but know that UBPN, your efforts, and the increasing exposure of these inequities will eventually be addressed. Hang in there and keep the faith !!!

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am ROBPI, global injury, Horner's Syndrome. No surgery but PT started at 2 weeks old under the direction of New York Hospital. I wore a brace 24/7 for the first 11 months of my life. I've never let my injury be used as an excuse not to do something. I've approach all things, in life, as a challenge. I approach anything new wondering if I can do it. I tried so many things I might never have tried, if I were not obpi. Being OBPI has made me strong, creative, more determined and persistent. I believe that being obpi has given me a very strong sense of humor and compassion for others.
Location: New York

Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by Kath »

I get it! But I don't get it! How can the hospital ban you from taking a video of your child being born... what about your rights??

It seems we can't go into a dressing room and change our clothes without being taped! We don't even have to give permission. Walking down a street sometimes we are taped... but giving birth we can tape ourselves... something is wrong.

I wish all birth had a video. I admit I had a problem when I saw 20/20 and the tape of a bpi baby. I all of a sudden I realized I WAS that BABY... it was rough and I took it very personal and that surprised me... but I think if more births were taped there would be less injury just like there are less thefts in stores...
Kath robpi/adult

Kathleen Mallozzi
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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by TNT1999 »

Guest, I was wondering the same thing, would it be admissible in court? I don't know. I guess one benefit at the very least anyway would be to help the parents to refresh their own memories. I think it's a good question though and I'd be curious to know the answer. ~Tina
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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by CW1992 »

Tina, you had a great point there about refreshing the memories. It was all very clear what had happened in my head - it was like a tape in my head - but then you start to question yourself. Then, after we watched the birth tape, which is EXTREMELY hard to do because I just wanted to scream STOP at the part that I thought she was being injured - gees that is so hard to watch on tape - it makes me sick almost - you just want to rewind that tape and do it differently. But, after seeing the tape I knew that I did remember exactly how things happened. It is even taped where they said, "we need some help in here" because they were worried about her, and also on tape what the doctor and all told us right after she was born. I feel that tape is priceless - because we lived it and we need to know the truth and so does she!
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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by admin »

I don't know, I'm almost glad I don't have a video of my daughter's traumatic birth. I think if I had the opportunity to watch it over and over and re-live it then my anger about it would never go away. It's hard enough just trying to put it out of my mind and forgetting about it so I can get over my anger without having the proof of that day. (besides seeing my daughter's injured arm)
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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by dmom »

Just FYI ... it is legal in Texas to tape a phone conversation without the other person's knowledge. Don't know about audiotaping, but it would be interesting to find out.

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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by CW1992 »

Janet - do you live in TX? We do - just wondering if you maybe lived close by. (Kingwood TX) (and I hope that none of my my phone conversations were taped!!!) Sorry to all you out there that I might have slammed on the phone during my phone calls when I didn't realize that I was being taped!! (kidding here). Janet - I did not know that - they always ask if they can tape me when I order something over the phone. I best learn the laws!
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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by dmom »


Yes, we are in Texas, but the Dallas area. (Kingwood's near Houston, right?) I'm sorry we're not closer - I would love to meet you!
I know - it's a strange law. I only know it because of being a reporter. When I was in Illinois, I knew taping a phone conversation without someone's knowledge was against the law, so I was surprised to be told in Texas that it was, indeed, legal. Journalists love these kinds of laws!
By the way, I've been taping this conversation. (HA! a little lame humor, there)


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Re: Banning Videotaping Births...this is so WRONG!

Post by CW1992 »

Janet!!! How wierd! I grew up in Illinois - and so did my husband! - and we've lived in TX for 6 years now. I am no reporter - but I do offer too much info at many times - so .... gees! Dallas is around a 4 - 6 hour drive I think??? Yep, Kingwood is very close to Houston (they are basically the same) and it takes us about 40 minutes to get to down town from here - 20 minutes or so from the Bush airport. Please don't tape this conversation or let it out on a website - I am a private person!!