Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

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Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by admin »

I've tried pubmed, but unable to locate anything....not sure if I am categorizing it correctly.
Trying to find a correlation between to the two for a potential lawsuit. I am aware if a hand is presenting on the side of the face during delivery, there needs to be specific precautions taken to prevent an injury, but I need actual literature to support this.

If anyone out there can help, I'd greatly appreciate it!

UK Mum
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by UK Mum »

Very quick reply as on my way to get my daughter from school

have you looked up anything reference

"nuchal hand"

If not might be worth a try

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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by admin »

J, I tried it but couldn't find any results even with a few different key words.

Thanks though!
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by katep »

I couldn't find anything, either. Have you looked at any Ob/Gyn textbooks/manuals?

UK Mum
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by UK Mum »


Had a little more time to have a look.

The most info i've found seems to be on midwifery sites. Might be worth looking up malpresentation/ Malposition. One site I found stated the midwife had used the same procedure to deal with a "nuchal arm/compound presentation that she would use for a nuchal cord presentation.

Heres the ones I found

All the best


ps we were led to believe our dd had a compound presentation hence the interest
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by admin »

Thanks Jayne,

I will check those sites you listed.

Kate, I don't have any access to any books at the moment.

The reason I posted this question is because K. Levine once told me, a compound presentation will result in a BPI if not handled properly. Of course, I have tried to contact him, but have been unsuccessful due to his busy schedule. Therefore, I thought I would search on my own, but as my post suggests.....unsuccessful!

Thanks again!
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by admin »


i would love info on this exact subject if you find it. my son came out with his hand on his face,too, and was injured by the doc as he tried to corkscrew him. please share any info you find. thanks.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.

Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by jennyb »

I have emailed questions to the radmid website listed by Jayne above, and had back extremely long and detailed answers including book references. The midwives that run this site are very helpful, might be worth mailing them.
Jen NZ
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by admin »

Thanks everyone for the info....I did email someone at the RAD- midwife site and hopefully will hear something back with some added info.

To the other "null", I keep you updated as to what I find, hoping I do find something valuable!

Thanks again and God bless our little ones :)
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Re: Anyone with info on Compound Deliveries and BPI's?

Post by admin »


So I contacted the mid-wife site and was basically told that my child's injury most likely was caused in utero by the hand pressing on the brachial plexus!

I never knew an infant hand could exert 30-100lbs of pressure on the brachial plexus when it is actually resting against the face! Funny how that works!!

Yeah, I was just a little miffed by this response!

Needless to say, my response to that wasn't the most cordial!

And the search continues.......