bpi/winged scapula

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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

I may have been prone to WS but it kicked in fully after a too-strenuous yoga session! Curses to Downward Facing Dog. The next AM, severe pain in shoulder and arm. This was late Nov 2004. After a couple of weeks, the pain subsided. Now, though, I can't raise my arm very high, and of course, the pretty severe winging. I'm in Los Angeles... any knowledgeable docs in this area, or are they all in Mass and NY? Re the Texas doc (Nath), I'm a skeptic, and immediately mistrust a doc who advertises as he does... esp such promotion of performing surgery (though I'm willing to be wrong on this.... it is a rare enough affliction that maybe he's just trying to get the word out). In any case, from what I've been reading here, doctors don't seem to know much. Any thoughts as to what physical therapy movements help? (I realize some folks here think PT is useless...) Thank you for any thoughts.
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

Hello everyone,
I know some of you from the old winged scapula site on MSN.
I had a scapulothoracic fusion performed June 2004.
After the surgery I had some nerve damage to the pectoral muscle due to the wires around the ribs.
However this improved after a couple of months.
Now my winging has gone completely.
I still experience some pain due to spinal problems caused by multiple disc removal and fusions.
However I would definitely say that the surgery was a success and greatly reduced the compensatory muscle spasm and aching in the neck, shoulders and back.
I do have some rstriction in movement, but this is a small price to pay.
I have now returned to lecturing part-time and attend university to get a certificate in teaching further education.
I could not of done any of this before the surgery.
Aidan (England UK).

Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by aidanapc1 »

Hello everyone,

I know several of you already.
I had a scapulothoracic fusion performed in June 2004.
It was a success although I have some slight nerve damage on the pectoral muscle (howver the pain only lasted for a couple of months).

My back, neck and shoulder girdle is now stable and I have zero winging.
The pain is greatly reduced.
The worst part of the surgery was wearing a wedge under my arm for 3 months.
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

I also was not comfortable at all with Dr. Nath, my child saw him and he immediately recommended surgery without a indepth hx and exam. My son has winged scapula and shoulder instability from a hit and run. Physical therapy has done wonders for him. He also had biofeedback which he states helped him learn what muscles to use. Not every physical therapist he has gone to has helped. But the one we have been going to on and off for the last 1.5 years has helped him very much.
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Emergency Open body GALLBLADDER removal....now have winged scapulas. .

Post by Dina »

I read your ordeal with much interest & empathy. Hope you are faring better…and I AM asking for some guidance.

I had emergency surgery for an “open body” gangrenous gallbladder in Jan. 2003. The surgeon said it took longer than expected because the gallbladder was literally falling apart in his hand. During my hospital stay I complained about terrible pain in my arms.
They had to take my blood pressure from my leg. They thought it was blood clots which they ruled out after testing. I left the hospital 8 days later with excruciating pain in both forearms & was HARDLY ABLE TO RAISE my arms to pick up a cup of tea. I improved slowly over the next week but was still in horrible pain. I could not raise my right arm above my shoulder. Complained to my surgeon of my problems & he totally ignored it & focused on my gallbladder incision. Went to a neurologist 4 weeks later on my own accord…The neurologist initially diagnosed me with “BRACHIAL PLEXOPATHY” I nor my doctor did not realize that the reason I could not raise my right arm was due to my winging scapula….My surgeon nor my neurologist ever looked at my back to tell me it was winging !!! .During the weeks following my surgery I could not function very well. I attributed it to having my abdomen opened for the removal of MY gallbladder. I live alone so I really could not see behind my back believe it or not, to see my condition. I just was happy to be alive after the surgery that I lived with all the problems. My physical therapist did not even notice because I wore a baggy T-shirt when I went through the first 6 weeks of PT. I ended up doing exercises in much pain that unfortunately learned later that exacerbated my winging!

Bottom line is that over the past 2 years I have been back to work.
I have improved…can raise my right arm above my head… BUT I still have pain, & weakness in my forearms and wrists. I am particularly weak in thumb in my left hand. Despite my regime of exercise, my back muscles have atrophied & I have CHRONIC BACK PAIN. My right scapula STILL WINGS BADLY when I reach forward with my arm. I cannot lift things over 20 pounds in front of me. My left scapula wings but not as severely.

I would like to know if you contacted any lawyers or how you got on disability.
My back is against the wall so to speak….The two year statute of limitations has just about run out. Several lawyers told me that THEY WOULD NOT TAKE THE CASE because it is too difficult to prove that there was malpractice. Several members of the medical field have speculated that it had to be POSITIONING during surgery, but of course no one wants to put in writing.

I HAVE AN APPT. WITH DR. NATH. He is a renowned winged scapula surgeon who practices in TEXAS. He is coming to NEW JERSEY in 3 weeks to evaluate patients.
I am looking forward to seeing him to hopefully get some answers. I’m sure the surgery will be expensive if I am a candidate. This is why the LEGAL aspect of this is CRUCIAL to me.

I feel despondent & rather desperate at this point.

If you can give me any info I would be so appreciative.
Many thanks,
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

hi i have a winging scapula and ive had it about 3 weeks would anyone advise surgery or should i wait and see if it improves itself?
mike r
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by mike r »

hey everybody, just got back from the univ of pittsburgh and had the decompression surgery done ! I think it worked! Its only been one day.ill let everybody know...nancy check your mail!
Nan in On
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by Nan in On »

Great news!
So happy you are already pleased with the results!
Please do come back and fill us in when you can.
I am certain there are many folks here who could benefit from your input on decompression.
I checked my mail...Thanks!
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by james »

Mike, I really do hope it’s a success! Good for you, so what he they say to u after, were they happy with what they did?
I have just come home from my week in rehab where my cast was removed, i can only do a few light exercises, and I have to wear a splint (don joy) to keep my arm out, it's so hard as I want to do so much more, like getting back driving etc..

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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

Hello Everyone! I'm a newbie, to the thread and to Winging. I've had the injury for almost 2 months. I do not have BPI, but have resorted to this message board, because it seems like the only place to go to find fellow "wingers".

I actually woke up one Sunday morning with severe pain to my neck, right side of my back and right arm. I have seen three Orthopaedic Surgeons and they are all telling me to wait the 12-18 months, to allow the nerve to heal on it's own.

An EMG was done a month ago and confirms LTN palsy, with no response from the nerve at all.

Two of the Ortho's and the neurologist stated, no lifting or major use of the right arm. I am a racecar driver ~ they are telling me not to race or work on the car either. They also highly recommend Physical Therapy.

Then I see this other Ortho today and he's telling me to do whatever I want with it.Recommends no Physical Therapy, just no weight lifting. I'm ready to pull my hair out.

I really don't have pain anymore unless I do use it to lift something heavy. The winging is severe and I certainly don't feel like I have upper strength at all in the right arm.

I understand the whole "frozen shoulder" while bracing, and I figured maybe that's why it is so hard to find one.

I was wondering have any of your doctors given limitation of use? Do they or you recommend PT?

I'm in Chicago, if any of you have found a pro-active doctor in the area, please let me know. I do have an appointment with another Doc, just starting to lose hope.

Any help is appreciated.

Congratulations Mike!! Hope you are well underway to the road of recovery!