Triangle tilt cast what to expect?

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Re: Triangle tilt cast what to expect?

Post by admin »

Has anyones child had this surgery?
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Re: Triangle tilt cast what to expect?

Post by katep »

Joshua is going in for a different surgery, and we go in the day before (well, actually Friday before the Monday surgery) for splint making. It hadn't occurred to me to wonder how they could make the splint beforehand when he will be casted in a position that he can't obtain right now?! That makes sense that it is only partially made, and then fitted after the surgery before the cast goes on. Another question to ask.. :)

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Re: Triangle tilt cast what to expect?

Post by jaredsmomdeb »

my son Jared had the surgery on 3-10 and the splint was made before and it was done at the herman professional building and then it was put on after surgery and yes they come in adjust it, they give you extra padding and velcro. the MRI was done at a different place, check when you make the appt about your copay if any, any other ?'s please email me.deb
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Re: Triangle tilt cast what to expect?

Post by TNT1999 »

Thank you for those who clarified the splint making / adjusting procedure. Makes more sense now. ~Tina