She's ok

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:39 pm

She's ok

Post by Christina »

I have some incredible news. First I want to say that I know I'm not able to get on the internet and get updates on everything, but I do try. And I'll continue, even after this...
My baby's ok. She's four months old. We went to her therapist on Monday and another therapist saw her and said, "She barchial plexus?" Our's looked up and said, "She WAS brachial plexus." She's ok. All we have to do now is strengthen the muscles that haven't been used for her first four months of life. We have to teach her how to hold toys up to her face without sticking her arm out and we have to strenthen her muscles so she can reach up, but she's ok!
So, I want to say thank you, to everybody! Any prayers or thoughts or good wishes that came our all helped. I would've been lost without everyone here.
Like I said earlier, I'm not able to get here often, but I will continue to try as often as I can get to a computer. You are all in my prayers. We love you all so much. Thank you
-Christina, Robert, Naliyah and Ambrosia
Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:59 pm

Re: She's ok

Post by admin »

That is wonderful news Christina for you and your entire family. I can only hope our prayers will be answered as well! Congratulations to all of you, especially your baby girl :)
