Doctor Poll

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by admin »

I fully agree with the above guest post, you need to see,talk with,and do checks on more than one or 2 doc.
We love Dr. Park, and his staff in St.Louis Mo
He is more into waiting on surgery and not jumping into
it right away unless nothing else will work.
Good Luck :)
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by admin »

.....and ALWAYS get several opinions. We thought there was only one real choice but how wrong we were. Most of the clinics take video tapes but these are no substitute for a hands on exam. You should expect a long and detailed examination of your child, not just a 5 minute glance as I have experienced with one very popular doctor, which was what made me seek second and third opinions. All of the injuries are so different the least you can expect is that your child is treated as an individual, not just another unit on a production line.
We ultimately chose Dr Kozin at Shriners who has continuosly exceeded our expectations.
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by admin »

We have consulted with several different doctors since Ella's birth. We felt most comfortable with Dr Waters in Boston at the Children's hospital.
You will know if a doctor is right for you and your child. I wanted a more conservative approach, therefore I wanted Dr Waters to follow my daughters progress. I wanted someone with an excellent bed side manner. Dr Waters also has this. I wanted someone who I felt 100% comfortable with in my gut and in my heart. Dr Waters did this to me. Everyone has a different experience with every different doctor. That is why you, YOUSELF, have to go and meet these people and see how they interact with your child, with yourself and with you mind. Best wishes in finding who is the right doctor for you. I also suggest looking through the medical directory on the site. Good luck! It will all fall into place.
Matt's Dad
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by Matt's Dad »

We consulted with Dr. Belzberg, Dr. Grossman, and Texas Children's.
We ended up having primary at Texas Children's and had one additional surgery there to correct dislocation.

Talk to as many doctors as you can and visit with as many as you can. Talk to parents who have seen different doctors as well, first-hand accounts are invaluable.
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by admin »

I think it is very important for you to ask the Doctor HOW MANY brachial Plexus surgery has the Doctor performed HIMSELF in the past week, month and year....and how many relevant publication has he published in the past year. We took our child to Texas and end up having primary surgery with Dr Grossman in Miami. Dr Grossman was first doctor to describe the use of botox in brachial plexus injuries ... 004-837258

I hope this help you
good luck
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by admin »

I think it is very important for you to ask the Doctor HOW MANY brachial Plexus surgery has the Doctor performed HIMSELF in the past week, month and year....and how many relevant publication has he published in the past year. We took our child to Texas and end up having primary surgery with Dr Grossman in Miami. Dr Grossman was first doctor to describe the use of botox in brachial plexus injuries Dr Grossman web site is

I foud his latest article on the web ... 004-837258

I hope this help you
good luck
michael's parents
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by michael's parents »

Dr Nath.... he has the most experience of any Dr. with Brachial Plexus injuries....has done almost 4,000 surgeries on childern. His bed side manner is second to NONE!! He will NEVER rush you off of the phone and will make sure that you are extremely well informed in any decision for your child. Dr. Nath is, in my mind, a gift from God for these children and an extremely talented,dedicated and passionate man. If that isn't his office and just talk to him ONE TIME on the'll be convinced, I guarantee it. There are several other Good Dr.'s out there but Nath has the experience and he was our first choice...Hands Down. Good Luck and please let us know who you choose and if we may be of any help please ask!!
michael's parents
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by michael's parents »

Dr Nath.... he has the most experience of any Dr. with Brachial Plexus injuries....has done almost 4,000 surgeries on childern. His bed side manner is second to NONE!! He will NEVER rush you off of the phone and will make sure that you are extremely well informed in any decision for your child. Dr. Nath is, in my mind, a gift from God for these children and an extremely talented,dedicated and passionate man. If that isn't his office and just talk to him ONE TIME on the'll be convinced, I guarantee it. There are several other Good Dr.'s out there but Nath has the experience and he was our first choice...Hands Down. Good Luck and please let us know who you choose and if we may be of any help please ask!!
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Re: Doctor Poll

Post by brandonsmom »

We have only seen Dr. Nath and love him. There isn't enough time to write why.....he is awesome and thinks more than just about the effected person....he is a family centered Dr. We traveled from San Diego to see him the first time and then moved to Houston to continue my son's care at TCH. My son has absolutely wonderful recovery. Do I regret moving to Houston where the day we got there it was 110 degrees to have my son have OT and PT and Mod there NO WAY. We love Dr. Nath and although we only live 45 minutes to 1 hour away from Milwaukee we would never ever change. WE LIVE IN ZION, ILLINOIS