Protective Reflex...School

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Protective Reflex...School

Post by TNT1999 »


I s/w Nicole's Aqua PT about this topic. Ironically, she had just done an in-service on it the day before. Anyway, she said that once you get a protective reflex, it's there. It's not something you have to keep working on. She said that when she has worked on it with Nicole, she does sneak it in and catch her off-guard. She demonstrated it for me today. Christy, I found a safe place to knock Nicole down -- in the pool! They had her seated on a small sturdy mat that goes up a little on the sides and tipped the mat from side to side and forward. Nicole loved it! All we needed was a towel handy-by. No bumps or bruises! So for anyone who needs to work on this, try it in the pool! O:)

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Re: Protective Reflex...School

Post by TNT1999 »

P.S. I will still periodically monitor Nicole's protective reflex b/c part of me still has doubts and I have learned to question everything I hear esp. regarding BPIs. ~Tina
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Re: Protective Reflex...School

Post by CW1992 »

Hi Tina, Thanks for your info - I'm glad that it is possible to learn a reflex and 'store' it. I guess the more you think about it - the more it makes sense - like self defense classes and police training - learning to think fast and react.
Something funny - I've been sneaking up on Brittney in the water on a floatie for years (shark attack - I'm the shark.. JAWS actually...) but never thought of it as good reflex therapy - and maybe I need to do it more often to her!:) Her reflexes need some work. Thanks for the update and glad that Nicole is learning to protect herself.