New Roll Call

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: New Roll Call

Post by lclark00 »

Hi Everyone,

My name is Linda from Norman, OK. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful 23 yr old daughter, and a 19 yr old son. My son acquired a RTBPI from a boating accident in June 04 (was run over by a pontoon boat & caught in the propellor). He is VERY BLESSED to be alive. As I'm sure all of you can relate, he is very angry over how his life has changed. I struggle right along with him many days.

I find much comfort in many of the positive things I read from this message board. Thanks to everyone for sharing!!

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Re: New Roll Call

Post by admin »

Hi, I'm the mom of a very sweet baby girl of 7 mos. with a LOBPI.
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Re: New Roll Call

Post by admin »

Hi, I'm Kathy, 46 year old LOBPI
Posts: 3242
Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 4:11 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am ROBPI, global injury, Horner's Syndrome. No surgery but PT started at 2 weeks old under the direction of New York Hospital. I wore a brace 24/7 for the first 11 months of my life. I've never let my injury be used as an excuse not to do something. I've approach all things, in life, as a challenge. I approach anything new wondering if I can do it. I tried so many things I might never have tried, if I were not obpi. Being OBPI has made me strong, creative, more determined and persistent. I believe that being obpi has given me a very strong sense of humor and compassion for others.
Location: New York

Re: New Roll Call

Post by Kath »

Hi Kathy

I am Kathy - aka- KathM - aka Kathleen M ROBPI 65.
Welcome to the message boards.
There seems to be so many Kathleen's around it get's confusing.
That is the reason I changed my sign in... LOL..
Kath robpi/adult

Kathleen Mallozzi
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Re: New Roll Call

Post by admin »

HI , Iam Melanie, Mom of Brittany 13 1/2, Ailsa 12,
Aaron 8 1/2 and Angelina 2 (ROBPI) Oh ya hubby: Wayne
lol, live in very small town in north-west Missouri,
Lurker on boards for over a year, only just started posting, Thanks everyone for your post, they have helped ALOT! :)
Carolyn J
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI. I am 77 yrs old and never had a name for my injuries until 2004 when I found UBPN at age 66.

My injuries are: LOBPI on upper body and Cerebrael Palsy on the lower left extremities. The only intervention I've had is a tendon transplant from my left leg to my left foot to enable flexing t age 24 in 1962. Before that, my foot would freeze without notice on the side when wearing heels AND I always did wear them at work "to fit in" I also stuttered until around age 18-19...just outgrew therapy for it. Also suffered from very very low self esteem; severe Depression and Anxiety attacks started at menopause. I stuffed emotions and over-compensated in every thing I did to "fit in" and be "invisible". My injuries were Never addressed or talked about until age 66. I am a late bloomer!!!!!

I welcome any and all questions about "My Journey".
Sharing helps to Heal. HUGS do too.
Location: Tacoma WA

Re: New Roll Call

Post by Carolyn J »

Hello All,
I always follow Kath!!.... I'm Carolyn J age 66 & proud of it!!! LeftOBPI and only found UBPN Last April & only the name Erbs Palsy 2 years ago. I always thought I was the only one so I ignored or was completely ignorant of valid pain issues until I got to the Adult OBPI Message Boards. We really need statisics from adults who are having interventions teenage & above so someone will officially recognize BPI as a LIFETIME disabilty. It is so hard for us adults who had to stop working because of pain issues and over-using our "good" limbs before we reached retirement age....Signing off on my "soap box"....
Carolyn J
Carolyn J
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Re: New Roll Call

Post by admin »

mom to zak who will be 2 feb 23. we live in minnesota.
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Re: New Roll Call

Post by admin »

Hi Kath,
Thanks for the welcome. I've been reading for about 2 years. I can't believe how many people are out there. For years, I thought I was only one of a few... Kathy
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Re: New Roll Call

Post by admin »

it's melina ,mom to mark 4 yr rtobpi,husband bob.
this site is a lighthouse. keep it up.