who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by admin »

I'm bringing it back up
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by admin »

To the top for new posters.
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by Salina »

My Daughter is 7 months old and we were told by 3 clinics to have the surgery done to but did not do it.
I feared the unknown.
My Daughters injury Is bad.
But im not going to risk loosing her over trying to fix her arm it is so hard for me to trust Doctors now.
I know i should give her a chance but is this chance worth taking and the fear of the unknown?
Who knows what can happen on the surgery table only god.
I went through enoghf already im scared what is next.
My DD is surgery free so far she has little use of her arm still has waiters tip.
Thanks for possting this.
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by admin »

Salina...please dont let your fear compromise your daughters future. I assume you are talking about primary surgery being suggested and there are clear timelines when primary must be done. There are also standard criteria used to determine if primary is needed. I would hate to have you look back 2 years from now and regret your decision. Please get multiple opinions (you can send videos) ASAP so you are comfortable with your decision and will have no regrets. I know this injury and all we have to deal with are overwhelming but we cant let our fear keep us from doing what is best.
PS...I too went against surgical intervention recommendations so I am by no means "pro-surgery". In our case it was secondary surgery and I got many opinions and decided that holding off was best for us. But surgery is not out of the question for the future.
I will keep you in our thoughts.
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by admin »

I may just be very confused but didn't Salina post something a while back about the surgery being cancelled in the end due to the determination that it wasn't needed or enough progress was made?

I apologize if I am off. I thought that is what I recalled.
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by Salina »

No i am sorry about you not being informed enoughf it was we went all the way down there and prepared our selves.
My DD had a surgery schuduled the next morning we got there.
Then they called us the same night we got there and we got sent back home cause they said they put her on the waiting list when we had a time already.
This was for my DD primary surgery.
I will try to bup it up .
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 10 year old Jessica born on 9/6/03 with a LOBPI.
Mostly recovered, no surgery, still has remaining functional deficits
including no active external rotation.
Location: The Woodlands, TX

Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by JessicasMom »

Whenever I see this topic come up, I'm always confused what kind of stories the poster is looking for? Are they searching for stories where typical medical protocols for surgery would have indicated surgery should have been done for the child, but the parent decided against surgery and is accepting whatever natural recovery the child will have regardless of the severity of the injury? If that's the case, then our story isn't appropriate.

However, if the poster is looking for stories of natural recovery where surgery has not been recommended and is not necessary, then we can share ours. Jessica is 16 months old and LOBPI. She recovered biceps right at 3 months old, but still had internal rotation and lack of external rotation and supination at 9 months. Now, at 16 months, she is no longer internally rotated, has good external rotation, and pretty good supination. We have been told she has a 95% recovery. If she did not have the recovery she had and surgery would have been warranted, we would not have hesitated to have it done.

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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by admin »

I don't know what the original poster intended but I for one enjoy all of these wonderful success stories whether surgery was recommended or not.
Keep this thread up, I have shown it to so many parents who are agonising.
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by vandaroseboom »

I wanted to update my earlier post where I was just starting into following Dr.Pape's protocols - We have seen such huge gains over the past year it blows me away - if any of you have the chance to go to her seminar it could really change the outcome for your child - we have gained about 93 degrees of supination about 90 degrees of external rotation, full extension of elbow, dramattic decrease in winging, ability to fully raise arms no winging, hand behind head, and hand to mouth with elbow down by the side( used to have to have elbow out at the shoulder) and remarkable increase in strength. My son is now 13 years and the difference just nine months has made is very exciting. Still no surgery and likely we won't need any surgery now with all that he has gained.
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Re: who HAS NOT had surgical intervention?

Post by admin »

Bumping this to the top.