School Back Packs

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:14 pm

Re: School Back Packs

Post by Terris5 »

hello! My child is only 16 monthes.I didn't think of iep or 504 until I read this post. Do most bpi kids have them and what do they involve? Does it depend on extent of recovery? Who told you about the 2ndary injury? Makes sense! Now feeling confused and unrealistic about recovery meaning and her future!!
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Posts: 497
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 9:34 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My oldest daughter suffered a LOBPI. We were sent home form the hospital without being told anything was wrong. She had nerve graft surgery at one year of age, tendon transfer and release at 3 1/2 yrs of age.
Location: Indiana

Re: School Back Packs

Post by Cara »


Don't let the talk of IEP and 504 freak you out right now. My daughter has made really good recovery. Her life does not revolve around the injury the way I had feared it would. From being on the boards and talking with other parents the most common form of secondary injury is shoulder dislocation. This doesn't mean that our kiddos have to be treated like china dolls. It just means using some common sense. With my daughter, unless you ask her to do specific things like reaching over her head, supinating, or behind her back, a lot of people don't notice the injury. It is because of this I focus in on the communication aspect. A sub might not realize that she has a disablity until they put her in a position that is risky. If you have specific questions on what to expect when dealing with the schools e-mail me. For most of us this starts at age 3 when our kids move fromt he state's early intervention program to being served through the school district. Even if you are handleing therapy privately, it is not a bad idea to get things in process at age three, so that it is place well before your child starts regular school. My daughter was able to attend preschool due to her injury. We make too much money to qualify for it for free, but not enough money to be able to pay for it on our own.