Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

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Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by espiper »

Has anyone experienced as slight numbness in there arm folling Mod Quad surgery? I have been assured it is temporary and due to moving the arm into a new position with the pillow splint. I would feel better though if I heard from someone else that has had this happen and that it did go away. I just had surgery on 1/7/05. My hand is not numb and I don't think I have lost strength. My doctor is Dr. Nath in Houston.
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Re: Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by admin »

It's important to contact Dr. Nath directly for this type of issue. Please call him asap.
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Re: Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by GDW001 »

I had surgery in July 04 (I am 35). Apart from having 3 children (the dad) it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I continue to improve slightly although at this stage I think I have "almost" reached the plateau. Significant improvements over pre-op (more details can be read in earlier messages & responses to others).

Regarding numbness & tingling, after the operation I had an area just below front incision about 3" by 3" that was numb. This has now almost returned to normal but thats after 6 months. Dr said was due to working close to nerves and possibly minor bruising but not to worry about it and I never did. Also when doing specific stretches that also stretch nerves (see physio), arm tingles in various places.

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Re: Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by njbirk »

I absolutely agree with Guest.
You need to call Dr. Nath and tell him about this.
Meantime, wiggle your fingers as much as possible. Maybe lower the pillow so the stretch is not as great.

I found I could not tolerate much height at first and had to work my way higher very gradually. And I found that I needed to limit my time with the pillow higher.

But then I had the surgery at age 47 so it was truly a big stretch for the tissues and vessels in my arm as well as the nerves.

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Re: Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by njbirk »


Forgot to mention that I too had numbness under my arm in my arm pit for almost 3 years after the surgery. The feeling has finally come back. It was really weird to put on deodorant and not feel it.

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Re: Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by rachelcasa »

I had tingling in my arm for a long time after my surgery. I think it was due to the cut of the muscles being cut. It surpases. It really does. If you continue to do your theapy it will work. Although, I would definately call Dr. Nath and ask him for sure or whoever you had your surgery with. I had surgery 2 years ago and went cross country skiing yesterday and had numbness in my arm. I think it definately depenends on what type of activity you do or how much you do your exercices. The best of luck to you.
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Re: Anyone have numbness / tingling in arm followimg Mod Quad?

Post by espiper »

Thanks for the responses so far, I did talk to Dr. Nath prior to posting this message and he said as long as my hand wasn't numb and I haven't lost strength it was expected and it would lessen with time. Now only two days later, my forarm isn't numb anymore and my bicep/tricep are less numb and a bit tingly an itchy instead so it appears to be subsiding-I was interested in finding out if this was a common post op side affect so sort of glad to hear others have this experience.