
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: oxycotin

Post by admin »

Hi susan i have read your message on oxy i also have taken oxy for 3 years i am starting to have trouble wit my bowels in a big way nothing works been to the hospital twice i drink 100 oz of water a day i just wandered if you had this problem? white collar thanks
Karen McClune
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Re: oxycotin

Post by Karen McClune »


I am also glad to see you are back posting. Hope things are going well for you.

Merry Christmas,

Hugs, Karen

punchy sue
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Re: oxycotin

Post by punchy sue »

hey Bill! I had more intestinal problems when I first started opiates, especially when I was just taking vicadin instead of oxycotin. When I do have trouble, I take Equate vegetable laxitives at night and that seems to do the trick. I've also been a vegetarian for 15 years, so I guess I eat more fiber then most people. Be sure to drink plenty of water and if it really gets bad, buy some caster oil and put it on a piece of flannel ( or cotton) cloth and place it over your intestines. Then apply moist heat over the oiled cloth with a heating pad that has a spounge that can be dampened or just use a damp washcloth. You can sleep with this on if need to and that really helps the bowels. You might want to place a piece of plastic between the cloth and the heating pad so not to get oil on the pad. It sounds more difficult then it is but it is an old old remedy for constipation and the moist heat feels good.
Good luck
Nan in On
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Re: oxycotin

Post by Nan in On »

Hi Bill
I too have been taking Oxy for 3 years and really do find I have to stay on top of the constipation issue 24/7. Sue had some excellent advice and it sounds like you are already pumping back lots of water! Might I suggest that you eat several servings of raw fruit and veggies? I find apples and carrots are the best source of fiber and as long as I eat them every day, I have no problems. There are many fibre tabs on the market as well and a stool softener (docusate sodium) occasionally helps as well. I would try to avoid the "laxatives", at least on a regular basis as they can be habit forming in the sense that they can give you a lazy bowel if taken too often.
Hope this helps and I hope the Oxycontin is working to alleviate your pain!
Take care.
Gayle Ozzy
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Re: oxycotin

Post by Gayle Ozzy »

I need to make a correction. Sorry I got the drug names confused. I thought Oxycontin was the drug name for Nurontin. (Gabapentin) Sorry to confuse anyone and I certainly don't take 3200mg a day of Oxycontin like I posted earlier.
I did take a slow release version of this early on, it use to make me a bit crook.
Nan in On
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Re: oxycotin

Post by Nan in On »

Must say my mouth was hanging open when I read that you were taking 3200mg of Oxycontin!! I have just recently worked my way slowly up to 60mg/day (within 2 years) and my first thought was how terribly constipated you must be and I was also wondering if due to tolerance issues, I may someday require a dosage like that... so glad you cleared that up!
I hope the Neurontin is helping you.
Take care
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Re: oxycotin

Post by RottieJan »

hi bill and all!

i meant to reply to you earlier but with the holidays and all...anyway, my apologies.

i have had the constipation problem also. my dr. told me that anyone who is on long term opiates usually ends up with this problem. he gave me samples of an over-the-counter "natural laxative", called Senekot S. it's considered natural as its main ingredient is senna pods - actually an old-fashioned remedy. the "s" means a stool softener has been added, which will help the initial passing. trust me, i was grateful for this as, after my surgery (when i sustained my bpi), it was more than 5 days! ouch!

he also warned me away from "fiber-type laxatives", such as metamucil, etc., as he says that their interaction with the opiates causes the stool to, basically, turn to "cement" which, of course, adds a whole new set of problems!

i've never been "normal" for BMs - normal for me is every 2 or 3 days but the senekot works like a charm. it's gentle and easy on the system. i usually take one or 2 at bedtime and by the afternoon of the next day, everything is all good *smile*

sorry to babble on and hope this all helps.


punchy sue
Posts: 127
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Re: oxycotin

Post by punchy sue »

Equate, the vegatable laxative I mentioned earlier, is also senna based. It's Wal-Mart's cheaper version of Senekot and as Jan said, it works like a charm.
Gayle Ozzy
Posts: 44
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Re: oxycotin

Post by Gayle Ozzy »

I have just added 1 Triptanol tablet to my med's at it has caused problems in this area also. It isn't an opiate is it? Anyway my question is, is it safe to take Senakot regularly or does it make the bowl lazy?
Posts: 92
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Re: oxycotin

Post by RottieJan »


i haven't found that the sennekot makes my bowel lazy. then again, i only take it when really needed; i.e. in my case every other week. remember, i'm not "normal" anyway, every 2 or 3 days is normal for me.

i've also found that since i've been able to slow down on the percs (percocets), the constipation issue isn't as severe as it was.

my doctor also indicated that one of the reasons he recommends sennekot is that it doesn't make your bowels lazy.

