Surgery questions/help/support

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Avery's Mom
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Surgery questions/help/support

Post by Avery's Mom »

I mostly lurk here but have introduced myself several times...

Avery will be 3 on the 18th of this month (January). She has an ROBPI and her recovery plateaued about 1.5 years ago.

She will be having tendon transfer surgery in a couple of weeks. Hoffer Procedure - actually.

Anyway, we will be having it done out of province and will be staying there for a 1 week post-op follow-up appointment. I have arranged accomodations that seem okay but am wondering about any helpful tips, hints or suggestions you might have.

She'll be in a Statue of Liberty splint 24/7 for 6 weeks then gradully off during the day until about 3 months - then off at night too.

What should I take for her to wear? (I have looked at the awesome stuff Francine had and have a few ideas from that...), I should expect that she'll sleep a bit more than usual?? She isn't napping during the day now...I wonder what we should plan to do during the mobile she'll be. I plan to take a stroller...

Just to put a crimp in things - I'll be 37/38 weeks pregnant!! Not too mobile myself! LOL

Anyway, if anyone here has spent time away after their child had surgery and has any suggestions - I love to hear them!!

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Re: Surgery questions/help/support

Post by admin »

Plan to keep her busy with one thing to do each day as a good distraction. I noticed with my daughter that each time she had surgery she had increased energy afterwards - so much, she didn't sleep at night! and wouldn't nap either. My hypothesis on this was that it took so much energy to get her arm to move and her body to move with her arm, that when it was splinted up, she had all that energy to spare! But you won't know how your daughter will react until the time comes. All the kids are so different.

Is there a children's museum there? movie theater? Build-A-Bear? Paint your own ceramic place? will you be able to rent movies and play them in your room? will you be close enough to the hospital that you can go there and play in the playrooms? (if they would allow that)

Clothing is easy. Just buy some t-shirts / sweatshirts that are a couple of sizes larger. For a coat the best one are the ones that don't have such tight sleeves or cuffs. And get a larger mitten to cover the splinted hand.

I wish you and your daughter the best and hope that all goes easily and that she recovers well.
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Re: Surgery questions/help/support

Post by admin »

I am wondering what the Hoffer Procedure is. Do you mind sharing or posting a web site that might explain. My son has a muscle transfer surgery in his future and I haven't heard of this one.

Thanks and good luck with your daughter's surgery!
Avery's Mom
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Re: Surgery questions/help/support

Post by Avery's Mom »

Quoted from what our surgeon sent to me:

Hofer Procedure: Named after Dr. Hoffer from LA, California at Orange County, U of California Irvine. There are many different modifications to his precedure, however, in short, we will be releasing the very tight pectoralis major muscle insertions of Avery's shoulder and transferring her latissimus dorsi and terras major up to her supraspinatus to aid in abduction or lifting of the arm and external rotation or turning out of her arm.

Does that make sense to you?? We sure are learning a lot about anatomy!

Avery, who will be 3 on the 18th, was naming her bicep, tricep and deltoid the other day!
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Re: Surgery questions/help/support

Post by alyssasmommy »


I was curious - is Dr. Hoffer doing the procedure? Where are you having it done at? We saw Dr. Hoffer a few years back and I was under the impression that he is now retired. Are you coming to California to do the procedure?

Wish Avery the best!

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Re: Surgery questions/help/support

Post by admin »

I can't seem to sign in under my usual name, so here I am posting as a guest. I haven't had personal experience with the surgery you are speaking of, but here's my tip as a L&D nurse to you since you said you would be 37/38 weeks pregnant.

Get a copy of your medical records related to your pregnancy from your OB doctor BEFORE you travel and keep them with you at all times in case something happens. Just a tip!

Good luck with the surgery.

Tanya in NY
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Re: Surgery questions/help/support

Post by Ginne »

Missy hasn't had any other surgery (yet). I was just wondering which hospital/province you were going to. Since you are preggers (congrats by the way) I would definately do as Tanya suggested and carry the medical records with you.

We go and see Dr. Clarke at HSC in Toronto in another couple of months. We are going up to HSC on the 18th to have Missy's splint/brace re-adjusted and will sing Happy birthday for Avery while we wait!

Good luck!