Ontario/Canadian Parents or Adults with BPI

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Ontario/Canadian Parents or Adults with BPI

Post by Ginne »

(Not that I'm ignoring our American friends, but this post really does apply to Ontario Canadians only.)

Quite by accident, I lately found out that there is another type of Pension/disability income plan payment available to our children/us. In ontario it is called the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and is run by the Ministry of Social Services/Ministry of Community and Children Services - They have a supplemental income available for children with severe disabilities....and, according to the lady I spoke with at the St.Catharines site, Brachial Plexus injuries are considered severe disabilities.

The amount payed is based on yours and your spouses combined net income from the previous year and the number of people in your immediate family. The base amount can range from $97/mth to 371/mth and (items such as) therapy, parking, hotel/motels stays or medical devices are covered ON TOP of this amount. the minimum is normally $25.00, but hey that covers parking at Sick Kids!

For more information, go to the following website:
http://www.cfcs.gov.on.ca/CFCS/en/progr ... efault.htm

Hope this helps.

Happy Holidays!!!

Site Admin
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Re: Ontario/Canadian Parents or Adults with BPI

Post by admin »

Thanks Ginne,

I'll check it out! I didn't know we could get anything here! Noone ever mentioned this or anything else for that matter! If you know of anything else, please let me know!

Thanks again,
Avery's Mom
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:28 pm

Re: Ontario/Canadian Parents or Adults with BPI

Post by Avery's Mom »

I also know that there's a supplement to the CTB for children with disabilities. I haven't applied for it - can't remember exactly why?? Perhaps a lot of work for a little money and time is at a premium for me these days??!!