Looking for statistics info on risks of SD/BPI...

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Looking for statistics info on risks of SD/BPI...

Post by njbirk »

An article published by Al-Qattan and Al-Kharfy in the Annals of Plastic Surgery, Volume 37, Number 5, November 1996 and titled "Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury in Subsequent Deliveries" addresses this issue.

The conclusion reached was that there was 'high risk' associated with subsequent deliveries, particularly when the previous infant was of large birth weight.

If you want a copy of the article, email me with your name and mailing address. (nancy@ubpn.org).

Nancy Birk
UBPN President
UK Mum
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Re: Looking for statistics info on risks of SD/BPI...

Post by UK Mum »

Hi Nancy

Thanks for the reply. As i'm in the UK will u be ok mailing this? Not sure how much it would cost postage wise(thinking of yr bills)

let me know

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Re: Looking for statistics info on risks of SD/BPI...

Post by njbirk »


It is not a long article. I'll double side it when I copy it.

That way, I think it can even fit in a regular envelope so it won't be too costly to send to the UK. Just send on your address to my email and I'll get it in the mail to you.

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Re: Looking for statistics info on risks of SD/BPI...

Post by katep »

Here's another reference:

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... s=11408863

They found an intial rate of SD of 1.5% (602 out of 39,681 vaginal births). 66 out of the 602 went on to have another vaginal birth at the same hospital, and were included in the study.

Out of these 66 previous-SD patients, 11 had a repeat SD, for an overall repeat rate of 16.7%. Most notably is the difference between women whose SD was in their first delivery and women whose SD was in their second or later delivery:

Of those who had SD with their first baby:

9 out of 37 had another SD = 24% rate of recurrance (16 times increase risk of SD)

Of those who had SD in their second or later delivery:

2 out of 29 had another SD = 6.9% rate of recurrence (4.6 times increase risk of SD)

A full 1 out of 4 women who had SD with their first delivery went on to have another SD with the next baby.

UK Mum
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2003 10:04 am

Re: Looking for statistics info on risks of SD/BPI...

Post by UK Mum »

Thanks Nancy and Kate

Very much appreciated. Nancy I will email you. Kate thanks for info I had read somewhere it could be as high as one in four but couldn't find the article. Many thanks for posting
