Student hit by drunk driver

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Student hit by drunk driver

Post by kim_vtech »

Hello, my name is Kim. I am very new to this forum. I never even knew of BPI until one month ago. On 09/16, while walking in the crosswalk of the Virginia Tech campus, I was struck by a drunk driver driving a Ford F350. Long story short, I was severely injuried: broken humerus, two cracks in pelvis, two fragtured ribs, pneumothorax, just to name a few. But my most severe injury caused me not to be able to move my left fingers at all. MRI showed that I torn two nerves on C7 and C8. I haven't had any surgeries for it because the neurosurgeons say it's hopeless. I refuse to believe them. I have an appt. with Dr. Terzis but I don't know if she does these kinds of thing. I've heard about Mayo clinics, but again, don't know if they can reattach the nerves. Please, can anyone help me. I feel so alone and afraid because I'm just starting my first year of college and now I'm already behind my peers. Is there someone who can lead me in the right direction or let me know that I'm not the only person going through this. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I tried not to type too much(I'm only typing with one hand). Once, again, thank you.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.

Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by jennyb »

A tear to C7 and C8 shouldn't be impossible to treat. There must be some some nerves still undamaged in the plexus or your whole arm would be limp. The doctors would probably suggest a nerve transfer so that "juice" from an undamaged nerve can be re routed to fire up the muscles served by the amaged nerves. If that doesn't work there are other, less time sensitive procedures (muscle and tendon transfers) which can help.
Both Julia Terzis and Mayo clinic would be very up to date in these procedures and both treat a large number of adult trauma bpi cases. If you can, it would be worth getting opinions from both centres.

Sorry about your accident and I hope things work out for you, let us know how things go and what the doctor says.
Cheers Jen NZ
Karl w/ a K
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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by Karl w/ a K »

I know your scared, who wouldn't be? But your not alone. Trust me, we have all been there. It made me feel sick inside to hear about what happened to you. But understand there are doctors that can help. The key is to stay informed as much as possible. Dr. Terzis is a good place to start. The Mayo Clinic is also a good option. Your doing the right thing by seeking the BPI specialists. And ask questions, lots of questions. Good luck...Karl...
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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by EllenB »

Hi Kim,

Life gets so lifey sometimes, doesn't it. I hate that this has happened to you. For so many of us, just one split second one way or another would have made all the difference in the world.

I will be sending an email to you separately so I can write more openly with some suggestions.

Take care & keep us posted,

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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by RottieJan »

hi kim and welcome. i'm so sorry to hear of your accident. however, don't worry, you're definately not alone now *smile* we're all here and have all been where you are now.

i know what you mean about the typing with one hand thang - frustrating, isn't it? i went from 110 wpm to about 10 wpm and lost all interest in the computer and writing. don't worry, tho', with practice, it gets a bit easier.

also, you may want to read the thread i posted about voice activated software. it gives a link to download a free 30 day trial of the software, then you need to register, but it's only $50 to do so! i've found it a great help in typing things up -- even emails and *grin* posts to this board. hope it helps you.

feel free to vent to us anytime, privately or on the boards, we've all been there.



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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by RottieJan »

hi again, kim!

i "bumped up" the thread on voice recognition software so it would be easier for you to find. hope it helps,


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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by kim_vtech »

Thank you to everyone here. It's very reassuring to know that there are people out there who has gone through this and are able to give me encouragements. At times I am terrified but I think back and see how fortunate I am that the truck did not damage my head. I'm the kind of person who thinks everything happens for a reason, so I'll try to stay positive.

I'll keep everyone posted on my situation. I'm returning to Virginia Tech next week for a short visit...can't wait!

I have a quick question...I have severe pain in my hand and taking neurontin doesn't help. If my nerves are completely torn, should I not have any kind of pain at all? Can anyone help me with this?

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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by EllenB »

Hi Kim,

I used to think that too - that having pain meant by default that the nerves were still intact even if damaged. John had all five avulsed & also had the severe pain in his hand - and I think most bpi people feel the most intense pain there. Ends up that when the brain says "Move" and the arm or hand doesn't, it turns up the signal higher & higher (including pain).

btw, in terms of meds: John couldn't tolerate narcotics so what worked best for him (early on, before recovery from surgery) was 3600 Neurontin, 200 Amptriptyline & 100 Topomax. It wasn't until he added the Topomax that he got any decent relief. The good news is now that he has arm & hand movement from the surgery, his pain is greatly diminished & now he only takes one Neurontin (600 mg) a day. Different people benefit from different "recipes" and since this is mostly a process of trial & error, you want to find a pain doctor who has a lot of experience.

Keep us posted as you begin to explore your medical options.

Take care,

punchy sue
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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by punchy sue »

Kim- Hi! Hope you're hanging in there, because I know it's tough, especially at the beginning. I had my accident last July and avulsed (tore out of my spine) c5-T1. I lived in Bleaksburg for eight years and still have friends there. I was the head chef at Gillie's and frequented the Cellar often. I still know people who work at both places. My roommates just moved back and one is working at Gillie's or bartending at the Cellar. Her name is Mandi. The other is Chris and he's opening the new Printer's Ink. So if you want to talk to someone who at least understands your situation from living with me, tell them Susan sent you.
As for a good doctor, I went to Dr. Alan Belzberg at Johns Hopkins. He is excellent and truly cares about his patients. I looked into Dr. Terzis because at the time I was living in Va Beach but she doesn't except insurance and she's pretty radical in her procedures. I've heard both good and bad about her, but I decided to go to Johns Hopkins because I had only heard good things about Dr. Belzberg.
I live in Richmond now with my boyfriend who also lived in Blacksburg. So if you ever want to talk or even want me to come to Blacksburg to see you, I'd be more then happy to. Or if you come by Richmond, I'd love to meet with you. My e-mail address is Feel free to write me and I'll give you my number. Take care and hang in there.
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Re: Student hit by drunk driver

Post by kim_vtech »

Hi Susan, thank you so much for your offer...I might just take up on it soon! I want to also thank you for your advise. I am beginning to have serious doubts about Dr. Terzis but I'll wait until I have my first appointment with her before I make my decision. Sorry I have to cut it short, but I have to go to sleep early because tomorrow, I have early rehab. Thanks!!!
