I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

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I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by admin »

I`m dealing with so much right now that it feels like I have so much weight on my shoulders. I just found out that my daughter(Global Palsy) that a so called friend talked her into cutting her wrist. Well luckly it was just a scratch.But I call MHMR and they got us in right away and they got in a bed in a hospita for kids in crisis and she is getting the help that she needs. The doctor started her on Depakote and people are talking to her. I have tried to get ahold of her dad but he is no where to be found,her grandmother on his side is no help she has always lied about his where abouts so I gave up on any help from him. We have surgey setup in Nov. my father is having hip replacement, my parents live in MI. and I live in PA. I have so much going on right now and I just don`t know which way to turn.
tina arvizu
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by tina arvizu »

I am sitting here looking at your post trying so hard to come up with something helpful to say. And as I sit here I think of my daughter only 4 years old and her future. I don't know how old your daughter is but the fact that you are by her side always will help even if you don't feel it. I was never close to my mother as a teen and never felt she would be there for me in a crisis. I hope my daughter will think differently about me. Again I wish I had something to help or guide you. Just let her know you are there. I stared at your post for so long I almost skipped the reply. But I wanted you to know we are out here thinking about you and your family.
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by admin »

Oh Kim!!! Im so sorry to hear this!!! I just dont know what else to say, except Ill be praying for you two. Is there any close family members or friend you could get support from? Some one that Dee Dee is close to? I hope you can get her some help, shes at a tough age, especially with all shes going through, just makes sure she knows you love her.
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Tanya in NY
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am Mom to Amber, injured at birth. I serve on the Board of Directors for UBPN, and am a labor/delivery nurse, too.
Location: NY State

Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by Tanya in NY »

Kim, let me first say how very sorry that you have so much going on in your life, your daughter's crisis being the worst of them all. I don't have any quick fixes, that's for sure, but I do have a suggestion. Could you find a support group for parents with children with psychological issues? The doctors/hospital that you took your daughter to should have information on where to find that. It is so important to talk with others who can empathize, rather than sympathize with issues you are dealing with. A "I'm sorry" isn't enough. You need support from others.

My best wishes for you and your family.

Tanya in NY
Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 13 years old
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by admin »

I was sorry to hear of all your troubles. I wish I had something to say that could help, but I don't know how to respond. I just wanted to post to let you know that you are in my prayers and to tell you that your daughter is really lucky to have such a strong mother as you.
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by admin »

Thanks to the replys, All of my family lives either MI. or GA. All I seem to do when I`m alone is cry. I go 80miles one way to visit my daughter everyday. She wants to come home so bad but I don`t want her home till she is better. It was so hard for me to have to put her there but I can already see my DeeDee is coming back. She is 12yrs old and has delt with more then she needs to. I say thanks again for the replys.
Karen McClune
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by Karen McClune »

I am sorry to read about all you are going through. Just try and continue to think good thoughts, think about positive things, I am sure this is hard, but it is good to think ahead and know that you did the right thing for DeeDee and that eventhou right now it is hard to know things will be better, they will be. My heart and love goes out to you and DeeDee.

Just continue to write us, we are here for you.

Hugs, Karen
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by admin »

Got great news about DeeDee, she is coming home tomorrow11/05/04. She is doing great. They put her on Depakote and it has really made a differance in her. We are far from being out of the woods but at least we are heading that way. Just wanted to keep you all informed. Thanks for the support
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Tanya in NY
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am Mom to Amber, injured at birth. I serve on the Board of Directors for UBPN, and am a labor/delivery nurse, too.
Location: NY State

Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by Tanya in NY »

Great news! I'm glad things are looking brighter for your family now. It's a long road, but it's always worth it!

Tanya in NY
Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, 13 years old
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Re: I have a heavy weight on my shoulders

Post by admin »

Hang in there! My daughter is 13 and life is not easy. She has a ROBPI. Her 10-year-old brother has been hospitalized as a psychiatric inpatient four times between the ages of 6 and 8. Days don't get much darker than when you're pulling the round trip to spend an hour with a kid in crisis. All I can say is keep the faith--I took respite in the words of Jimmy Buffett ("Better days are in the cards I know it") and Bruce Springsteen ("Counting on a Miracle").
Thinking of you.