Cyclic Vomiting

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Cyclic Vomiting

Post by Medlin »

I will try not to be too graphic here, but we have got a really bad problem with Zoe. For the last 4 nights in a row she has woken up vomiting. She wakes up retching, and when she is done and cleaned up she goes back to sleep. We took her to the doctor and she said she could have what they call Cyclic vomiting. I think I spelled that right. She said some kids just throw up a lot and they will work themselves into a cycle or routine. Anyone have any experiece with this? Zoe is 2 with a ROBPI. Thank you!

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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by admin »

Hi Melissa,
This is so interesting. My 2 yr old daughter also named Zoe also vomits like this. I was told there is nothing to do for it and that she should outgrow it. Sorry I don't have much advice, but it's nice to know there are other children that do this. I have found though that not giving anything to eat or drink for at least an hour before bedtime helps. Good Luck!
mom to Zoe LOBPI
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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by admin »

My daughter had this also and they gave us Phenergan suppositories to give her. Her problem was slightly different, she would start vomiting and it just wouldn't stop. Hours could go by and then we'd have to take her to the E.R. Once we kept the suppositories at home she was able to get relief sooner. She grew out of it as she got older.
Karen Hillyer
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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by Karen Hillyer »

I don't have persobnal experience, but we have a boy in our support group who has this very severely and
has actually been hospitalized for this many times.
I don't know if it's connected to his injury though....
another thing for us parents to ponder!
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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by admin »

Pam W
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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by Pam W »

My son who is now 11 had trouble with vomiting for 4 years. It was awful and really controlled his life (much more than the bpi!). Because of the frequent vomiting other problems occurred. Finally we found help, after many trips to pediatric gi docs, from a pediatric GI doc who diagnosed rumination syndrome. She said it probably came from him being immobilized in a body cast post surgery for the tendon transfers.

He was treated with biofeedback completely successfully. We felt like it was a miracle. He had previosly been on many GI drugs and we tried alternatives to get his insides healthy with cats claw and ginger tincture to name a few!! We also had eliminated all dairy, sugar and wheat. Doctors were having a hard time figuring it all out. Sometimes it would seem like some medicines were working and then it would start again.

It was not directly related to the injury but it was indirectly related. He is completely fine now. If anyone wants more info you can email me directly. It may or may not be the same problem.

The biofeedback was easy for him to learn because he was in 4th grade when we finally got the right diagnosis.

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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by admin »

My 3 yr. old with ROBPI has this problem. If she gets a stomache bug it gets bad. She will vomit everytime she eats and at night alot for weeks. Her speech therapist says she has a severe gag refex and I have a little brush that I use to desensitize her mouth 3 times a day. This has been a horrible issue with us. Recently, I got her teeth cleaned and they said she had teeth that looked like a bulemics due to all the acid she spits up. I am curious to see how many other kids with BPI this happens too. She had to be recessitated and put in o2 at birth. I wonder if they are connected somehow? Heather in GA
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Re: Cyclic Vomiting

Post by Medlin »

Update on Zoe...

When we went to the Doctor before I posted this message, she put Zoe on Zantac. It's WORKING! She hasn't gotten sick for like 6 days straight. We are so happy!!! Thank you all for all of your response! If anyone else has anything else to share I would still love to read it!

Thanks again!