pillows in bed

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pillows in bed

Post by admin »

Does anyone know what the appropriate age is for children to sleep with pillows in their crib? My twins both cry for their little travel pillow at night time and they are only 20 months old. Is it safe to let them have a pillow at this age? I have tried to give them one when they go to sleep and then remove it later when I check on them, but when they wake up in the night they cry for it. They don't sleep in the same room and these are my non-bpi kids. Anyone know about this?
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Hi! I am Laura, the mom of Tyler, who has a ROBPI. I've been a member of this site since 1998 and owe a great deal to the wonderful people in the UBPN community who have helped us along the way get what we needed to get done for Tyler. Tyler is now 14 years old and in the 9th grade. He's a super bright kid and loves his video games. Tyler had the mod quad surgery with Dr. Shenaq shortly before he passed. That was his first and only surgery. Now that he is older he is requesting additional surgery. He'd like to be able to supinate. Our goal is for Summer 2013.
Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Re: pillows in bed

Post by tylergsmom »

I gave both of my boys a pillow by the time they were one years of age. Their not big fluffy pillows, but just enough to give some cushion and comfort. I think by 20 months of age is fine to give them pillows.

Laura LeNoir, Mom of Tyler, Age 14, ROBPI
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Re: pillows in bed

Post by admin »

My son just turned 2yrs on Saturday and he has been sleeping with his little pillow since he was 15 months or so. He is actually in a twin bed now with a comforter and big pillows, blanky and stuffed animals and he moved into his 'big boy' bed when my daughter was born 4.5 months ago. I think as long as they can move around freely then there isn't an issue.
Hope that helps :)
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Re: pillows in bed

Post by Medlin »

My son Nolan is just over a year old, and he has had a pillow for a month or so. The pillow we use for him is the same width as the bed he sleeps in, so there is less of a chance for him to move it in his sleep. This works well for us.
Best of luck!
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Re: pillows in bed

Post by admin »

My son is also 20 months and i gave him a small airport/travel type pillow. he seems to like this and it is just the right size.
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Re: pillows in bed

Post by lizzyb »

My twin grandchildren had a pillow each when they were around 15 months old..they actually asked for one each after they had stayed at my house where I had put a flat pillow on their beds. It shouldn't be a problem at 20 months.
