Mod Quad Surgery

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Mod Quad Surgery

Post by CaliforniaBPI »

My daugther Katie is 2 years old and will have the Mod Quad sugery in November at Texas Children's by Dr. Nath. I have never been through this experience, does anyone have any helpful hints? I am so scared to have my child operated on. Also, I have a 4 year old, should we include him or leave him at home with Granda? Anyone with a similar experience?
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Re: Mod Quad Surgery

Post by baby4us »

I was in a similar situation, although it was my older one having the surgery. My mom was able to come with us, and she stayed in the hotel across the street with my younger one. I was breastfeeding her at the time, so I went back and forth between the hospital and the hotel. It worked well for our situation, but I'm not sure how it would be for a 4 year old that might be a little scared. There is a GREAT zoo in Houston, which could be an option, Granpa could take the 4-yr old on the surgery day.

The surgery itself is pretty quick, 45 minutes for our daughter. The wait in recovery was excrutiating. We were the first surgery of the day and still waited about 6 hours to get into a room. We waited in this huge open room where all the patients come after surgery and there really isn't any privacy. The kids are coming out of the anesthesia and it is a hard time. I don't say this to scare you, only to let you know that you'll be away from your 4 yr old all day, and then at night anyway (so leaving her home with grandpa is not a bad idea). The second day wasn't so bad and it would be much easier to pop in and out if you had to (my husband and I tag-teamed so that one would always be with the 2 yr old., usually it was me who was leave to feed my other baby). We did lots of videos (check to see if they have DVD or just VCRs in the room, we videotaped 6 hours of Dora...and then left the tape for another girl who had just arrived).

I don't recommend trying to have your 4 yr old with you at the hospital. My daughter is 4 now, and I think it would be pretty scary for her. You want to be able to focus on your 2 year old completely and that would be hard to do if you are also trying to comfort your older child.

Just my thoughts...feel free to email me (I'm in CA too).
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Re: Mod Quad Surgery

Post by Evansmom »

My son is also having the Mod Quad in Texas in November. On November 10 with Dr. Nath. He is will be 6.5 months old when he has surgery. I am very nervous and hope that he gets better. We are leaving our other 2 boys home with their grandparents because I don't want them to miss school and all. I have been talking to people from here in Upstate NY about what to expect when we get home and they keep telling me he will be able to raise his arm over his head soon after the surgery. He was born with the c5 and c6 stretched and I am hoping that this is the only sugery that he will need, but will do anything to make him better.
Good Luck to Katie!!
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Re: Mod Quad Surgery

Post by m&mmom »

Matthew had two surgeries at TCH and one at Shriners. We have always taken her with us (she's 19 months older than Matthew). He loved having her around - the first time he laughed after each surgery is when she came walking into the room. After his last surgery at Shriner's she made him a necklace in the child life room. He loved it!! She was 4 at the time of his last surgery.

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Re: Mod Quad Surgery

Post by m&mmom »

I also wanted to add - I think bringing Melanie gave her a greater appreciation of what her brother went through. She goes to therapy sessions with us so his injury is part of her life as well.

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Re: Mod Quad Surgery

Post by admin »

My daughter had seconday surgery in Jan 2004. I had a 4 year old at that time and we brought her along. My parents also came with us though so she was able to come and go at different times. If I didn't have my parents with us I am not sure what I would do. It was great to have her there b/c Ellas asked for her so many times. Hannah was giving Ella her ginger ale, she was feeding her the crackers and icecream. It was great to see Ella "needing" Hannah at such a hard time for her. It was a great experience having Hannah there at Ella's bedside and I think I would take her even if my parents weren't here now that I think about it. Do what feels right to you. Good luck with surgery. Hope all goes perfect for you!