Having another child after BPI with 1st

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Re: Having another child after BPI with 1st

Post by solson »

Guest--come to CA, you can schedule a c-section for any reason! LOL!

Seriously though, you should NOT have a hard time securing a c-section for baby #2. Why is your OB resistant to doing it? Did OB deliver baby #1? If he or she wont budge, find another OB. There are many out there who would support your reasons and I would be concerned about an OB who wasnt addressing your fears and experiences with compassion and understanding. Let us know how it turns out.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My oldest daughter suffered a LOBPI. We were sent home form the hospital without being told anything was wrong. She had nerve graft surgery at one year of age, tendon transfer and release at 3 1/2 yrs of age.
Location: Indiana

Re: Having another child after BPI with 1st

Post by Cara »

Dear also pregenant, if I were you I would get out the phone book and start calling other doctors. I was reffered to an OBGYN by our family doctor. At the first visit I only saw a nurse, the doc wasn't even in the office. They were not going to have me come back for 6 weeks. I have type II diabetes. They were not going to even help me adjust my insulin dosages. I walked out and started calling other doctors. I found a local clinic. They were great. They did a vaginal ultrasound. The doc told me I had a narrow pelvis and a fibriod. I did not know about either condition before. She also referred me to another OBGYN in a little bit larger city close to us. They will be co-managing my care and delivery. The doc at our local clinic did not want to say 100% she would do a c-section, but she said it would not be out of the question. When I saw the high risk doc he said we would definatly do a c-section at 38 weeks. He was appauled at the care my 1st child and I recieved during labor and delivery. He said that it would be reasonable to do a c-section based on my history and that he also didn't want me stressing out over it through out the pregenancy because that was not going to be good for me or the baby. He warned me that recovery from the c-section would be harder, but after looking at the injuries I recieved giving birth the first time and lack of care, he felt I would be in less discomfort.
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Re: Having another child after BPI with 1st

Post by admin »

My next appt is on Friday. I don't know why he is resistant, except he feels confident that he can deliver the baby safely. No, he is not hte same doc who delivered my BPI baby, and he came highly recommended by my neighbors, especially for the delivery experience. But I don't want to take the chance -- what if, what if, what if. It's too much anxiety! I guess, if Friday doesn't go well, I will shop around.
Thanks for the advice.
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Re: Having another child after BPI with 1st

Post by admin »

I had flashbacks reading all the replies--and my youngest is 10! First baby was ROBPI--10 lbs, 11 oz, 23.5 inches long, at 39 weeks. I interviewed OBGYNs after her delivery--wasn't going back to the butchers! I went with the one who told me "I completely understand. I agree with you. You should know it's accepted protocol of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to do a C-section after an OBPI. You should have no trouble with your insurance company and I will help you if you do." He agreed I would make 15 prenatal visits, only to him (there were six doctors in the practice), it would be a C-section, it would be at 37 weeks and he would do the delivery. Those were my conditions--nearly two years before I got pregnant! I was ADAMANT I would not let this happen again. Everything went according to plan until I went into labor a day BEFORE the section was planned--so I had the C-section one day early, but his partner did the delivery (doctor was having emergency root canal!!!). 8 lbs., 8 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks and NO INJURY. Apgars of 9/9. It was an unbelieveably happy day. We chose to stop at two children for a number of reasons but I would have gladly had more children, by C-section, and never thought twice. I just knew that I couldn't EVER be on my back pushing again.
Good luck to you!
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Re: Having another child after BPI with 1st

Post by admin »

I feel bad for anyone trying to choose a new OB. My OB came highly recommended from several different people, yet she injured my son. I'm done having children, but I still needed to choose a new OB for annual exams. I asked around again and got a few people who told me their OB was great. So, I chose to go to them for my annuals. However, since then, I have heard from other people that the doctor in that practice has caused several BPI's! I don't know how you'll ever really know how many babies the doctors have injured in the past. Thank God I don't have to make that tough decision (my OBPI baby was my second child).

My second baby was also a VBAC. I was not advised to do a c-section. I was going for an easier recovery with the vaginal birth. Of course, since then, I have heard a hundred times from women that recovery from a SCHEDULED section is completely different and a LOT easier than a section after laboring and pushing. (When I hear it now, it's like hearing fingernails on a chalkboard--where were they all BEFORE I had to make my decision!)

If I had to choose again, my decision would be 100% planned section--and I'd travel ANYWHERE until I found a doctor that guaranteed it. Had I known there was even a possibility for an injured baby when I did my VBAC, I would have planned the section, not caring how horrible my recovery was. I would take the extra risks of a c-section ANY DAY over a horrible vaginal birth with an injured child for life. Who cares about "experiencing" a vaginal birth when that experience is HELL and then years of trauma!

Oh, and most of my research on VBACS before the birth came from midwife sites. I am sorry that I listened to their encouragement of VBACS. I found very little data out there on VBACs, EXCEPT on midwife sites. Of course, I wouldn't have had to do all that research if my doctor had made a recommendation (instead of saying- it's up to you! Thank you. I am not the one with the medical degreee!) Sorry for the strong opinion, but I guess I'm not the only BPI parent who feels so strongly about this! Good luck.