bpi/winged scapula

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by james »

the above post was me!, doh should have logged in.

ps. my emial is now correct
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

Hi everyone, i have visited all of these sites for three years now and have suffered with the same long thorasic nerve injury causing winging. I have done all of the treatments and meds out there. Six docs later they admitted I will never be better. I did see Dr. Warner in Boston and he would do the muscle transfer on me, but when i asked if he could guarantee at least some improvement with the pain his answer was we will try. This isn't good enough for me. FOr 2 1/2 years I have had tests, 4 emg/s/ncrs, tens unit, meds for nite to sleep thru the pain, meds during the day to get thru work, pt 2x and now just live with it. Today is raining and it just kills, but a specialist who wants to take my hamstring muscle, graft it to my pec muscle, go under my arm, drill a hole thru my scapula, wrap that muslce thru the hole and come back and all he can say is we will try - not good enough. I know what my worst day feels like and unfortunately my body has adapted to the pain and I can get thru it. I will not take a chance on more pain at this point. I too am on WC, but have continued to work thru the 3 yrs. I have been on a 7 1/2 hrs schedule with no lifting. WC has generally been good to me, they sent out someone to evaluate my work area to help set it up so I am not reaching etc., they do compensate me for the time I used to work and cannot anymore. It has also been recommended that I get a doctor to rate my percentage of disablility. I am working on that right now. One of the many problems I have encountered is that the injury is somewhat unseen, To look at me I look perfectly fine, but if I try to lift my arm straight out there is very little support and no stability.Life has significantly changed but h aving gone thru severe depression from the pain and due to the pain I try very hard to keep in mind that this condition will not kill me. But out of sight out of mind for alot of people. I also have always tried to to minimize the impact this has on my work. Unfortunately on rainy days like today I just want to cry the pain is so bad. Anyhow, it does help to have others out there to talk to and we can always hope that they will improve the surgery for this condition. Keep the faith everyone and keep in touch it does help.
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

hello i have the long tn injury and winged scapula like everybody else. Ive gone to two specialist who both agree that this is how it will be for me for the rest of my life. one dr however wants me to do as little as possible while the other says to do as much as possible to increase my flexibility and range of motion..this dr has performed the nerve trans from the pec or thigh as has had poor results.. his estimation: if u have over 6mos u have it forever.. he had one case where it got better in 14 mos.. mine is a w/c case also and im looking at having to get a new job.. on the other hand, im doing as much as i can with the injury, ie running, stretching. yeah i too have gone to the drs and they bring the rookies in and take pictures of it.(they call my injury "impressive". for me swimming has helped the pain because the water is weightless and helps recruit the smaller muscles to work thereby making them stronger..
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by Madison »

Hello! I am new to this forum and before my daughter was born I did not know what a brachial plexus was. She is 9 months old and injured her bp nerve at birth. We were referred to an pediatric orthopedic doctor in Charlotte, NC who treated her until this past April when she was released. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed her shoulder blade did not lay correctly and I took her to the pediatrician who immediately diagnosed her with a winged scapula. I have an appointment with the orthopedic doctor next week and I was wondering if there are any questions I should ask him. I have a couple written down but I am not sure that I will be asking the right things. Also I wanted to ask... those of you who suffer with this, is it painful. I was reading some messages posted in the past and noticed there was a certain way you are supposed to pick children up, around the rib cage. I am worried that by picking my daughter up under her arms I may have hurt her some times even though she has never cried out when I pick her up. Thank you for any advice or help you can give me.
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

hello james .im seeing another surgeon in sydney a mr michael biggs and mabye having what you had ,so please contact me.i would love to chat about it all.thanxs kindest regards wendy...........wendy_purton@hotmail.com
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by james »

Hi, Yep more than happy to chat.

I have mailed you.

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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by james »

Not sure what it’s down to, but of late my shoulder has been more uncomfortable than ever!!!!

Has anybody else had a change/worsen in their symptoms I’m a little unsure as to whether this condition gets worst of just stays constant?

Any comments welcome, thanks James
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

jamessssssssss......you havent got back to me yet and im off to see mr biggs on the 11th october.....hope you will contact me soon.
regards wendy
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

jamessssssssss......you havent got back to me yet and im off to see mr biggs in sydney on the 11th october.....hope you will contact me soon.
regards wendy
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by james »

Wendy I have sent you mail,

So you’re having the Nerve decompression? Mine I have to say was pretty much unsuccessful but we are all different and mine has been out for so long. The chances of recovery decrease along with time.

Didn’t hurt to much couple of week of the scar issue feeling uncomfortable but nothing to bad.
