Topamax Side effects!!!

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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

Tell your sister to get off that dangerous drug while she still has her life and sanity. A few months ago, a neurologist gradually brought me up to taking 200 mg of Topomax a day as a treatment for hemiplegic migraines. My mental state and my entire personality changed---my family wanted to put me in a psychiatric hospital because of panic attacks and depression. I developed speech aphasia and was talking repetitively, but often could not understand what was being said to me. My husband led me by the hand everywhere we went because I would forget what direction to go. I looked and functioned like someone in the last stage of Alzheimer's. I hallucinated and could hardly walk or even feed myself. I have had asthma for fifty years but I was so out of it that I didn't even realize I was having a severe attack a month ago. I just knew my chest hurt bad and went to the hospital. That was a blessing in disguise because the ER doctor hospitalized me and weaned me off of the Topomax. I have my life and my mind back now and I would rather have paralyzing migraines the rest of my life than risk the insanity of that legalized poison they call Topomax!
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

I also take topamax for migraines. I take 50mg twice a
day. I get the tingling sensations during the night which wake me up and I also get them in the morning. I'm also extremly irritable!! I shelter myself from everyone, it must be depression. I have a hard time remembering things and I've had weight loss. But I haven't had a migraine since I've been on it(3 months)and I used to get migrines 3-4 times a week. Shelly
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

I too have fibromyalgia and was prescribed this drug by my doctor. At first, I thought it was the wonder drug because the muscle spasms went away - but only for a short while. The side effects from this drug have been frightening at best. I'd never had a problem with hair breakage, concentration or memory loss. I have been off of the drug for two weeks now and the side effects still exist. My advice to you is DON'T TAKE THIS DRUG. I regreat that I was ever introduced to it!
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

My daughter is 31/2 years old. She developed seizures about three months ago and has been put on topamax. They have been increasing it gradually. After reading the terrible side effects of this medication. I am worried for her. I have not noticed any side effects yet. Is there a mother out there with a toddler on topamax.My daugther is on 75mg.
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

I am approaching the 3 week mark at 100 mg and am also experiencing the exact same gastro-intestinal distress problems you describe. I am stopping this drug immediately and notifying my doctor. Just wanted to let you know.
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by sweettart »

I have MS and get TERRIBLE migraines and have PAIN all over. About a month ago, my neurologist put me on Topamax. The plan was to increase the dosage every week. From the start I was "out of it", but persevered and increased for 3 weeks in hopes of that feeling going away. I can say that Topamax DID reduce my pain quite a bit. However, it made me EXTREMELY aggressive! I truly lost it in WalMart and was actually throwing food on the floor! I refused to accept the price of anything that day! In retrospect, I feel that had I been seen by security they surely would have taken me into the office. That was very scary. So, I stopped taking the Topamax, but the next day my pain was unbearable! So, I would just take 25mg a day for a few days, and then I stopped completely. Yes, my migraines are now worse than ever, and the pain from my MS is awful. But there is NO WAY I can tolerate Topamax. Further, I did NOT lose any weight. I was hoping I would have, because I need to. I go back to the neurologist tomorrow. We'll see what happens, but if all the other anti-seizure meds are like Topamax, it won't work for me.
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Re: Very Scary Issue for Me

Post by admin »

hey i am taking zoloft and last night i smoked weed for like the third time while ive been on this drug. but this time it made me have a seriously bad brain trip like you said. it was like an out of body experience and it felt like it was gona kill me because i couldnt control my breathing. i had to keep walking around to try and snap out of it because every time i stayed in one place for too long, my friend would start shaking me like crazy because she said i was unconcious. it was the scariest thing thats ever happened to me and its STILL not conpletley gone. what did u do? i mean, i dont know if i should skip a day of my zoloft because im scared that it will happen again. i dont know who to talk to without getting into trouble for the whole situation.
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

My mom is on topamax because she was having severe pain in her back from an epideral gone wrong and the nerves in her back were killing her. The doctor put her on topamax about two weeks ago and she is a completly different person... she has gone into a severe depression, no matter what she eats she puts on weight, she has memory loss, severe confusion, and she is under a constant state of anxiety. It is really starting to scare me because all she does is sit on the couch all day and cry. Today she said she feels like the world is passing her by. she said that she feels like she is looking in on our lives (the rest of my family) and that she is outside the room that we are in. It is really starting to scare me and i don't know what to do.
Karen McClune
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by Karen McClune »


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