Depositions-What should I expect?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Depositions-What should I expect?

Post by Dylecia »

We are having depositions soon and I was wondering for the parents who have already been there what can I expect from this? Anything response would be greatly appreciated. Also has anyone child had to have the osteotomy done if so what can I expect from this surgery and what is it like when it heals afterwards? Did your child gain any overhead movement that was not there before?

Thank You, Dylecia
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Re: Depositions-What should I expect?

Post by admin »

You can expect to be grilled like you've never been grilled in your life. The defense counsel will probably ask you tons of personal questions that will leave you wondering what any of it has to do with your child's injury. Some lawyers will be nasty and try to insinuate that this is all your fault. Others will be decent - it really varies. The defense wants to see how you'll be on the stand. You are being evaluated.

Here are a few tips, which others on these boards have shared before: stay calm; answer the questions as asked, but don't volunteer info they don't ask for; take breaks if you need to; ask for clarification on questions that aren't specific or clear; feel free to take loooong pauses after the question is asked to get your answer just right (that advice helped me a lot during my depo); and I'll add one more piece of advice I learned: Don't let the defense counsel break you down by either being mean or by being overly friendly and trying to make you let your guard down.

Above all, remember this process is to help your child. Stay strong and let us know how it goes. Good luck to you!
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Re: Depositions-What should I expect?

Post by PeggyUBPN »

You're lawywer should have or will prepare you for what is to come. Our lawyer didn't prepare me very much and we didn't go over anything until just a day or two before depositions. Basically, they told me to:
Tell the truth
ONLY answer what is asked; don't offer any extra info
Be polite; say "yes sir, no sir...yes ma'am, no ma'am"
If you feel you are being asked something that you can't answer, ask them to refrase the question
If you need a break, ask to be excused for a moment

It is long and tedious. It was very emotional for me and I tried to keep my composure, but toward the end of the first day, I couldn't anymore. That had been after 7 hours, I think. I had to return the following day for another 2 hours.

All the best to you!
