Clothing after acromioplasty?

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Karrie in MD.
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Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by Karrie in MD. »

Okay...I have read the post about pulling out the side seam on shirts and velcroing them closed. What I don't understand is where do you velcro them? I have been looking at the pictures of the kids in the splint and I do not see where you can velcro the shirt closed except for the very bottom. Is there a way to get the sleeve and around the top of the chest velcroed closed too? Maybe it will be easier to figure out when Kyle actually has the splint on, but I can't see how. I bought some bigger shirts for Kyle the other day and I am afraid to do anything to them until I know exactly what it is I'm doing, but I will need something to bring him home from the hospital with. Can someone explain in detail how they have been putting clothes over the splint. Kyle will be going back to school after surgery and I don't want him to feel self concious about his clothes. Thanks for the input.
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Re: Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by kalliesmom »

Hi! If you email me I can send you pictures of how I did Kallie's Shirts. We have a digitial camera so I can take detailed pictures and send them to you.
My email is ~Jessica
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Re: Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by JaimeC »

It's funny how I don't pay attention to things as well when it's not my child - and NOW my child is having the acromioplasty and I'm freaking out (just a little) about the clothes. How in the WORLD do I make shirts fit without them being positively HUGE on him.....?? Jessica, could you send me pictures too?
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Re: Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by Jody »

Could you also email the photos to me? Thank you so much.
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Re: Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by Stormy »

My 9 yr. old daughter just had the surgery and her grandmother cut off the sleeve of the splinted arm and made it short-sleeved (we are in cold weather, so we used fleece shirts in 2 sizes larger). No shirts will accommodate the bulkiness of the hand-wrist area of the splint, so they will need to be cut off. Down the sides she cut the whole side open from the armpit down to the bottom of the shirt, hemmed the rough edges she just cut and then sewed on two sets of elastic ties. They are PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT.

In the past, she had used velcro when she altered Rachel's clothing, but for this splint it works much better to have ties that you can tie no matter how bulky the splint ends up being or where you need the closures. This was a MUCH easier way and much more accommodating.

Hope this helps! Feel free to email me. For any 9 yr. old girl needing acromioplasty splint clothing, please feel free to borrow ours. They are wonderful.

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Re: Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by Francine_Litz »

Wendy - which arm is affected? (pertaining to the clothing you are willing to lend out)
thanks :)
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Re: Clothing after acromioplasty?

Post by Stormy »

She has a right obpi. They are clothes for colder weather (fleece, etc.) and she will be needing them again in October for the bicep lengthening surgery (I am assuming? I don't know much about the splinting for this). She will be finished with them in another 2-3 weeks.