Camp pictures

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Tim Birk
Posts: 20
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Camp pictures

Post by Tim Birk »

Finally! The camp picture CDs are in the mail. Sorry this has taken so long, but we've had a number of things going on including me getting a new job.

There were over 470 great pictures contributed by the Bruskis, Fergusons, Kanters, Loobys, Mallozzis, Petits, and Quackenbushs. Thanks everyone! I included all of the pictures on the CD plus a slide show of some of the best with background music by David Roth.

It was a lot of fun to put the CD together and brought back the memories of camp. What a great way to be warmed during this rather harsh Ohio winter. (I can almost hear you Southern California folks snickering!)

If anyone has trouble reading their CD, please email me at and I'll make a new one for you.

Kathleen M

Re: Camp pictures

Post by Kathleen M »


Thanks so much for your hard work on this project...

I was hoping to see a photo of you and Ralph in Lake George but it seems no one took that photo... or did you and Ralph pay them to keep the photo?

Thanks again
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Re: Camp pictures

Post by cbe411 »

I got my disk today Tim! THanks a bunch! What a great bunch of photos! Thanks to everyone who shared as well!

Courtney xo
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Re: Camp pictures

Post by ubpncathy »

Many thanks for your hard work and your generosity in making this happen. The CD is just beautiful. We got ours in the mail today. I remember our times (The winter pictures are of the Board when we first checked out the camp and of course then we were all together over Labor Day Weekend.) together at Lake George like they just happened a week or so ago. It's hard to believe that it's once again winter and many of you folks (hummmm) are freezing!

Well, thanks everyone for the fantastic memories. They will be cherished for a lifetime.

Happy New Year to you all!
Site Admin
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Re: Camp pictures

Post by admin »

wow those pictures were fantastic.Just seeing all those images again put such a smile on my face.All the people I have met that I will never forget. Thank you for putting all this together and most importantly thank you for getting all my good sides on those pictures .I love you all and miss every single one of you
Karen McClune
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Re: Camp pictures

Post by Karen McClune »

Thanks Tim for all the work you put in to making the camp picture CD from camp. It is wonderful to see everyone again. Just wanted you to know the West Coast has rec. the CD.

Hugs, and thanks again,

David and Karen

Posts: 322
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Re: Camp pictures

Post by jep98056 »

Thanks for putting the Camp photos together on the CD. The slide show was very well done especially with David Roth's music mixed in. Camp was an amazing experience for both of us and the CD will help sustain those memories for a long time.

John and Marlene P.