Any one had pneumonia lately

This board is for adults and teens to discuss issues relating to BPI since birth (OBPI).
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Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by Sharon »

Hi guys, remember me? I've been fighting pneumonia for the last three weeks, even went to the er as I had a hard time breathing. No fever this time though. Poor excuse for not posting huh??? When I finally checked my email I had 95 msg. I don't even know that many people. lol

Every one is talking about cold hands and arms, I hear ya. It's waking me up at night too, that is, when I''m not coughing and gagging. (54 year old left obpi). They actually wanted to put me in the hospital. Had to bring a breathing contraption home to satisfy them.

Then of course there is the head pressure when ever a front of some sort is moving in. In Michigan that's every other hour. I hate being snowed in, and that damn snow plow keeps dumping at the end of the drive.

In case you have not guesssed it, today is bitch day for me. My fingers are so cold I can hardly type.

Hey Kath, I missed your last roll call, sorry..... I think of the board and all of you good people off and on thu out the days and hope everyone is doing well as possible. Keep smiling. Sharon
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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by Kathleen »


Penumonia well that is the story of my life... I had it so many times as a kid and a few as an adult...
I have asthma now... so I used my inhaler a few times this week and I never get a fever... I think my arm might like it... no... I read that the kids arms get colder when they have fevers... so I guess ours does too...
I hope you are feeling better... I always find that my lungs are my weak spot.. even when I was a kid the doctor told me never to smoke because my lungs would always be weak...he did not explain about Horner's...

So are you resting... bored... do you need a coloring book....LOL...
I hated getting sick with bronchitis I always had to drink tea with whiskey and lemon and honey...ugh... I still hate the thought of it... also made me drink warm wine... Today they would be arrested for feeding me that stuff... then the doctors recommened it...LOL...

I am glad to see you back...

I had my first "silent" asthma attack at about your age... Silent because I did not make a weezing sound --they thought I had a heart attack... I had no cough or cold.

I wonder do breathing problems come with Erb's????

Are you taking your meds... yuck!!! horrible tasting stuff... sorry you are having a Yuckey day... I hope tomorrow is better.
We have dreary rain here in NY my fingers hate that....

Feel well glad to see you post...

Now where are the rest of the kids...??????

Judy e-mailed me she can't sign in... hmmmm wonder why?

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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by admin »

Sharon, sorry to hear about your pneumonia.
I have had three colds and bronchitis since Christmas, Ugh! I can sympathize with you.
I also have asthma and use a a brocholator, like Kath. I wonder if severe upper respiratory illness like always getting bronchitis with every cold or developing asthma is related to the OBPI? I think this was once discussed on an old post here...something about the diaphragm being damaged? I seem to have a vague memory of reading about it.
I also wanted to add that I was sure I submitted a post saying "howdy" to Steve L. I haven't seen it posted yet, don't know if it will be. I clicked "submit" at the end and all "seemed" well???
Anyhow, howdy Steve L.!!

Stay warm,
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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by Stephanie »

Hi Sharon,
Sorry to hear about your pneumonia. I've had three colds and bronchitis with each one since Christmas. I've got asthma and use a broncholator, too.

I think I read some old posts once on a possible connection between OBPI and upper respiratory problems.
Does anyone remember that? Something about the diaphram being damaged during the bitrh process?

Also, I wanted to say "Howdy" to Steve L. I thought I answered a few posts but never saw my message. I seem to be doing everything right. Maybe I just "previewed" and thought I'd "submitted." Duh! Probably!

Keep warm everyone...gonna go make some honey tea with lemon for the cough. Give that a try too,Sharon.It helps. Hope your feelin' better.
Brrrrr...the dampness today has made it almost unbearable to type with my "good" hand!

Take Care,
Steve L.
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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by Steve L. »

No, but I was thinkin' 'bout it.
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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by Kathleen »

Looking for a day off...

Is that what you call tax relief...LOL

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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by »

Hi All,
I was reading and had to chime in here. I was told that C4 affects respiratory system...My daughter has had asthma since birth (6 months old)...It would be interesting to see if there's a connection. Good medical study opportunity! Feel better!
Cathy Kanter
Steve L.
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Re: Any one had pneumonia lately

Post by Steve L. »

Now that was FUNNY...LOL X 100

...I can't seem too catch my breathe...
Steve L.
Posts: 57
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That Just Don't Look Right !!!

Post by Steve L. »

That post didn't fall in the right place. It was meant to go to Kath, nothin' funny 'bout th' little, I gotta work on this thing some more.
Steve L.
Posts: 57
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Re: That Just Don't Look Right !!!

Post by Steve L. »

GIRL..."little sick GIRL"...darn hands