Topamax Side effects!!!

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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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I also get shaky.(My Hands) How long did you take the medicine?
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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Hi my daughter is 5yrs and has cerebral palsey with it comes epilepsy. She not long came out of a coma due to status epil. they increase the drug to 225mg with in a few days. Since then she has had such bad side effects its not funny. But she has calmed down now with most of the. Remembering she has cp she can not comunicate and tell us whats wrong. strange things are happening and we believe her epilepsy is coming back (mildly) does anyone have purple hands and when pressed stay white for a while.? (hope this makes sense). we want her off this drug and have numerous discussions with doctors. she has been through most drugs. but still are the side effects worth it? especially when she cant tell us. the past two days she has started just screaming and holding her breath????? and her eyes seem sunken. does anyone have any advice or experience with this and disabled kids.?????
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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Its not so much that I get shaky, My hands and feet feel like they are asleep sortve.. more like a tingling feeling.. but its more at night... or when I am stationary.. I have been taking the med. for about 3 weeks.
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Topamax Weight Loss

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I have been on topamax for a year. Over the past year, I have lost 26 pounds. I take 50 milligrams in the morning and 50 milligrams at nite. It works really well for weight loss. It simply makes me not hungry and not want snacks. I mean, I get hungry but it is for small, very small meals. I hope this helps with the question. Thanks.
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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Hi! Although I have taken Topamax for mood issues rather than seizures, I want to respond to your question. I have been on Topamax for 3 years. Personally, I loved the drug once I became adjusted to it because it worked! In the beginning, when I was taking a low dose and building up to the 400mg, I experienced some unnerving side effects. I couldn't find my words when speaking, I was tired, and couldn't string my thoughts together. Eventually, most of the side effects lessened or disappeared. I found it most helpful in weight issues. Recently I have discontinued use and switched to another medication because of on-going memory problems. I was even having trouble reading and retaining and/or focusing. This was the only lasting side effect for me...but one that is difficult to accept and adjust to over time. I want to be able the think! Best of luck...
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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I had a lot of numbness of the hands and especially the fingers when I first began taking Topamax. Eventually, that symptom disappeared. It scared me..but as I said, it did subside after a few months. I remember shaking my hands as one would do if the hands were "asleep". I am not diabetic and was put on Topamax for mood balancing and to keep from hitting bottom in depression so often. It fixed that.. and as a side effect (a good one) I lost a lot of weight. I don't mean it was magic..I did go on Weight Watchers..but it helped me stay on it without hunger and I feel that it affected my metabolism. I just went off of Topamax after 3-years and onto another drug because of a thinking and retaining information side effect. I am now back watching my weight, suffering over that, and my metabolism has been adversely affected. I'm doing the same thing I did while on the medication, with less results. Good luck!
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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...the tingling and numbness eventually disappeared for me. It was overall a small price to pay for the results I obtained in mood leveling and weight-loss. Unfortunately, memory and thinking issues have forced me off of the medication and onto something else after 3-years. That "something else" is not the same help in weight loss and maintaining desired weight. I am now back to that struggle without the help of Topamax. Make the most of your time on the drug...!
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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...if you are anything like me, the numbness and tingling will go away. I ended up on 400mg per day and after a few months of being on the drug the numbness side effect subsided. I didn't think it ever would..but did.
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

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the pain will go away i promise you that i almost stopped taking my topamamx because of the pain in my hands and feet but it does stop.
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Re: Topamax Side effects!!!

Post by admin »

just started topamax and lexopro for bipolar 01/15/04
wondered if shannon had any updated info on results.
(also use ambein & xanax as most of we zombies do)
Any help? Feedback?