Therapist may stop therapy completely!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Natalie M.
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Dec 10, 2002 10:47 am

Therapist may stop therapy completely!!!

Post by Natalie M. »

Our OT therapist that we see just ONCE a week now called me yesterday and said Logan has progressed so well that we may stop therapy by the time she starts kindergarten/August. I was shocked, happy that she is doing so well but unsure about cutting all ties with a therapist.
She said until we get another opinion about her downward motion with the total shoulder dislocation, she couldn't push that ROM- I understand.
I told her that I would at least like one time a month, PERIOD, so that she could keep an eye in case she regresses.
Has any of your children ever just had therapy stopped and did they regress??
I am concerned about this and need opinions!!!
Thanks, Natalie
Posts: 2199
Joined: Sat Mar 22, 2003 9:03 pm

Re: Therapist may stop therapy completely!!!

Post by Francine_Litz »

Maia's currently subluxed and she will have surgery in the fall (acromioplasty) but she's in therapy 3X a week for PT and they are still keeping the arm moving as far as it can be ranged without the compensation - we are also doing NMES and TES electrical stimulation to strengthen the muscles in the shoulder and triceps (to make sure it is as strong as we can get it) before surgery. Gosh - there's so much to work on. Maia has so much compensation going on - gait issues - right leg weakness, etc. (I'm not saying that Logan does - but saying that the whole body can be affected by a dislocation). Dr. Nath is writing up a new therapy plan and scrips for Maia now that we have a diagnosis and a surgical plan. I'll share it with you once we have it (as long as you remember that it's for Maia - but it will give you some ideas as to what you might be able to do with a subluxed shoulder)

I guess I don't think that any child with bpi should stop formal therapy until they are adults and have stopped growing. So much changes with each growth spurt. Is it insurance that's the problem?


ps - your other post asks for a doc... check the medical resources listing on the home page :)

Kathleen M

Re: Therapist may stop therapy completely!!!

Post by Kathleen M »

Natalie M

I am 64 adult/obpi and I still need therapy from time to time. I stopped for many years and then stopped swimming etc and I had the hardest time getting my doctor to understand that I lost MY range of motion not a normal ROM but the one I had... but after three years of therapy I have it back. Children change so much and grow so much at this time I think you should keep a therapist involved to maintain if not increase range of motion.

good luck