Is inducing labor a cause?

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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by admin »

I was induced at 40 weeks + 1 day by use of Prostin. Dr did not want baby to get too big. Labor progressed very quickly and baby was having decelarations. There was also meconium stained liqour. They were concerned about that getting in his lungs so they pushed on my stomach and used vacuum. Evan had shoulder dystocia and right obpi and had to be resuscitated. He was 7.6 lbs. My feeling is that use of Prostin made the labor progress unnaturally faster and distressed the baby and he was not in the proper position to be delivered.

By the way, where are you in Australia? Evan was born in Perth on Autralia Day last year : )
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by Savannahsmom »

I was given Pitocin and induced two straight days in a row. I think they should have c-sectioned me after the first all day labor with no results. Savannah was bor 11 lbs. 3 oz. with ROBPI 8 days overdue. Heather in KY
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by christi »

Delivered my first children natually/no induction - 1st was 9lbs. 2 oz. and 2nd was 9 lbs. 9 oz. With our third I went into labor,at the hospital given pitocin which put me into hard labor for 4 long hours...was not progressing at all. Did not progress far enough for an epidural. After suffering for the entire day they decided to stop the pitocin...everything stopped. That night they gave me a sleeping pill and that next morning ultra sound said the baby was 10 lbs. I was sent home and had her 9 days later. I had never heard of someone being induced, stopped and sent home. During those 9 days we ask the midwife the possibilites of having a c-section being that she was already 10 lbs. We were told no, I had big babies before and can handle this. Our daughter was born with a BPI to her left arm and she weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz. They did not cut me and made no attempts to help her out.
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by JaimeC »

EEk!!! what horrible stories!!
I too was induced at 40 weeks. The baby was big, so doc didn't want to go over the due date. After 10 hours of pitocin, and a very difficult vacuum extraction, he was born with a lobpi.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My name is LaTeesha, our son suffered a LOBPI in January, 2002. He has received two surgeries, botox, ongoing therapy, and recently recommended for a third surgery.

Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by lmungin »

I was induced. We went to Labor & Delivery because I thought my water had broken (1st child). My Blood Pressure was high and my legs/ankles were swollen. We stayed overnite. The Dr. placed this pill on my cervix to thin it out in order to start dilation, then another a few hrs. later. The nurse punctured my cervix before her shift ended the next morning (7:30 a.m.) she said it would help the labor process. My water didn't break until 10:36 a.m., as time passed. I was given pitocin to help it along, then an epidural at 1 1/2 cm. D.J.'s head was delivered at 4:44 p.m. and body at 4:47. Vacuum extraction was used. I lost alot of blood. My cervix was lacerated. It was a bit scary at the end when a team of doctors came in (neonatal, anesthesia,etc.) He has a LOBPI.

We're hanging in there. Pray for us.
Love, T.
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by admin »

hi i went into labor on my own 2 weeks early i started at 8pm with pain went to hospital at 6 am at 11 am they gave me epidural at 12 pm started pushing,and given pitocin,pushed until 5pm when they finally jumped up on my stomach and twisted and pulled him out,purple,not breathing and 10lbs 13oz 2 weeks early..
right bpi,pdd,adhd,developmental delays,eye problems,special ed,anxiety disorder..capd,si..etc....
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by admin »

!!!!! did the same doctor deliver??
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by Anna »

I think you're right about inducing being a cause, but just wanted to stress it can happen without induction. I had none of the typical risk factors, baby was 7 lb. 9 oz. (not in a critical weight range, but 1 lb. bigger than her non-BPI sister). I was not induced or given any drugs and labor went fairly quickly (although longer and more painful than her sister). They did try suprapubic pressure and McRoberts Maneuver, but did not ask me to get into a squatting position (kept me on my back).

She also has a mild injury, and maybe that is because of all of the above. Maybe if she had been bigger or I had been induced, her injury could have been worse? Who knows? Or if I had a different OB, her injury could have been prevented??
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Re: Is inducing labor a cause?

Post by admin »

I have had 5 children. All vaginal, no cuts or tears. All pitosin, all epideral. The first 4 (boys) everything was perfect...all same doctor.
Then we moved.
Veronica was born 7-9-03 with a new doctor.
Things that were different...
Baby's head was not down far enough.
They insisted to break my water before the pitosen, and before I was in labor.
Epideral wore off before I gave I know how that feels now...
I pushed out her head, was told to stop pushing...they cleared her face, the cord was wrapped once around...then I asked when I could push again, and they said "she's out"
The doctor had pulled her out by her arm...she was only an 8 lb baby. Broken clavicle, erbs, etc..
He was in a hurry. It was documented clavicle intact, no complications. ?????? We just found out 2 weeks ago.
So- I am a firm believer that inducing is NOT a CAUSE. It is the doctors skills...and in my case, his schedule.