Ella is home and doing great!

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Ella is home and doing great!

Post by admin »

Ella's surgery with Dr Waters in Boston went just wonderful! I brought her into the OR around 7 45 Thursday morning. They used the flavored gas mask to put her to sleep. This was great! Ella laid on the table with her kitty and me to her side and then they asked the kitty and mommy to smell the mask and then Ella. Ella said it smelled pretty and next thing I knew she was asleep with NO problems at all. The OR updated us every hour or so. After about 3-4 hours with Prep and casting she was in recovery. When we got back to recovery she was just waking up and was offered a popsicle. She had a bit of it, but saw her cast and flipped out saying that she was STUCK and asked us to HELP her. She cried and said "Stuck, help, momma, daddy help" for about 20 minutes on and off. She fell back to sleep from all the crying and when we woke up we went to her room. I would say we were in recovery for about 1 1/2 - 2hours waiting for her to get up. This helped so much that they let us stay there b/c Ella needed to sleep some meds off still. When she woke up she was so funny and cute. She was in a great mood. We went up to her room and she watched some tv. She had some juice also. She hated the IV hand more than the cast side. She was on some meds and the morphine. She only needed about 8 taps of the morphine from when we went up to her room after surgery until she left the hospital. Each tap was such a small dose and only lasted in her system for 30 minutes so she did wonderful. The nurses at childrens are excellent and did everything perfectly. Ella liked them very much which surprised me! Oh I almost forget...
Her kitty was also casted. Ella picked ORANGE for her cast color. I would say it is more of a dark peachy color though. I am still figuring out the clothing thing. It is pretty tough.
She is just like her old self again and running around playing with Hannah. She didn't get sick once at the hospital and she ate great. So the only thing now is that she cannot get up onto the couch by herself. I think she is trying to figure things out still. She grabbed her doll carriage as soon as we walked in and pushed it with one hand. She hasn't complained at all about having her arm up in the air. I feel so much better now that surgery is over. We will go back to Boston for Post Op on Feb 23rd. Thanks to all of you for thinking of us!
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by Paula »

Krista that is wonderful!!!YEAH ELLA!!!!
They bounce back so quick it's unbelievable. She will get used to the splint and figure things out in no time just wait. As for the clothes try 2 sizes bigger. Short sleeves worked better for us. Take care, I'm glad you guys made it back safely. Post some pics on the injurednewborn message board!
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by admin »

Krista - That is great news! So glad to hear everything went well and that it's over! What are the doctors saying about the surgery results - or is it too early? At any rate, it's great to hear that Ella made it through like a trooper. Keep us posted!
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by SarahB »

Krista and Ella,
What wonderful news, it sounds like Ella did amazingly well throughout it all! I am so happy for you and hoping for a great recovery.
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by admin »

Hey Paula:
I will post pics as soon as I figure out how to use my video camera as a digital on the computer. I haven't had time to read up on it.
Ella can only fit into clothes that are 7/8 and she is usually a 2T or a 3T in some tops. The cast is huge!
She is able to wear regular pants and jeans with no problems, but the stupid tops are driving me nuts. I found a few at WalMart that worked great and they are long sleeves and a turtleneck so its perfect. I went back yesterday to buy 5 more in different colors! It's so cold here so she has to be warm. I also have a poncho that is working out great with the warm shirts under it. She has a coat too. I bought a huge coat that fits well over her, but of course not in the car seat. We go out a lot so I had to buy things to bundle her up in. When we are home she wears what ever.
She is doing so good! I am amazed!
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by crestmom7411 »

I'm so glad that everything went well and that Ella is doing great. It is such wonderful news.
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by admin »

What brand is the no rinse shampoo.
I just washed Ella's hair tonight for the first time since Thursday's surgery. I put a pillow on the sink covered with a big towel and then just help her over the sink with most of her cast on top of the pillow. I washed it fast and it went okay. I could use the no rinse for a couple of days and then wash it every few days or something.
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Re: Ella is home and doing great!

Post by admin »

Thanks Louise:
I agree that wasking her hair twice a week will be just fine for now. Not like it is going to fall out if I don't wash it everyday! =)