Good news/what comes next?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Good news/what comes next?

Post by admin »

After 10 months the attorney finally said he'd take our case. They were gathering the facts together and finally heard from the expert doctor. I got the call this morning. My son will be a year soon. What comes next, explain in steps what anyone has gone through. I guess my biggest fear is the doctor's attorney's making me look bad. I feel like if they do, I want to do the same. I may have no choice given my family are so well known that they may ruin her rep if they give me a bad time. I wish I could let her know this before so she does not make me look bad, at least warn her.
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Re: Good news/what comes next?

Post by claudia »

What comes next? Well, for starters, you don't talk to your doctor's lawyer or your old doctor without your lawyer present. It took 10 months to get the case accepted--you don't want to muck it up. It is not your responsibility to worry about the other side. That is their responsibility. You are suing for your child's benefit. Keep your eye on that prize.

You, your husband and anyone else who was in the delivery room will be deposed (asked questions) by the doctor's lawyer. At some point, your lawyer deposes these people plus your doctor.

Ever so slowly, like the movement of a glacier, the case will move forward. After all discovery is made, all medical files are in everyone's takes a long time.

Don't forget that your lawyer works for you. If you have questions, ask them. If you want to know the timeline, ask.

As for signing on here as a guest to protect your case, well...I always used my name and it didn't affect us (we won).

If you are still using this doctor as your gyn, I suggest you change doctors. Just my opinion.

good luck,
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Re: Good news/what comes next?

Post by admin »

I do not use that doctor. Thank you for the advice. How long did it take you, what is the longest, shortest?
Jamie MA
Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 7:09 pm

Re: Good news/what comes next?

Post by Jamie MA »

We went with 1 attorney first that did nothing for 6 mos, then we went to another attorney and 4 years later we've finally settled.
I can be a very long very slow process, I think I heard somewhere the average case takes 6 years, some longer, some less.
Either way, Good Luck!