Shoulder blade sticking out. Answers please.

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Mac's Matthew
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:33 pm

Shoulder blade sticking out. Answers please.

Post by Mac's Matthew »

Hi folks! Matthew is 4 monhts now and his LOBPI continues to improve. He has difficulty with wrist suppination...but recently, I noticed his shoulder blade beginning to stick out slightly. Is this the dreaded "winging" I hear referred to on the forum? Should I be overly concerned given the progress he is making? Will it improve? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Mac
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Re: Shoulder blade sticking out. Answers please.

Post by admin »

my 11 month old has this. He also seems to have the right (injured) side back further than the left. He has little muscle in the shoulder blade, so thereapist told me.
Posts: 64
Joined: Tue Jan 07, 2003 2:19 pm

Re: Shoulder blade sticking out. Answers please.

Post by Clint »


What you are describing sounds like winging. We have been dealing with it for a year now. Francine posted a great description of winging from Dr. Nath. Maybe she will repost it.

Winging is caused by weakness in the muscles that hold the scapula to the trunk (serratus anterior & rhomboid). Generally, winging does not interfere with shoulder function. In fact, it may be a positive sign indicating that the shoulder is not dislocated. The only way to treat wiging is to increase the strength of those muscles. We tried e-stim but our 2yo wasn;t cooperative, so we will try again in a few months. For now it's just an asthetics issue.

Good Luck.
