School Ski Field Trip

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School Ski Field Trip

Post by admin »

My son came home informing me that the school is going skiing for an entire day twice this month. My son does not ski, and although they will be provided with "quicky" lessons, I am so uncomfortable with this.

My husband & I cannot attend this event because of work, and plus, I don't ski. I have given him many opportunties with sports, and extra-curricular activities, but this really concerns me.

Do any of your children ski?

If my son falls to the right, he cannot extend his arm out to break a fall, which usually results in him hitting his head or shoulder. He hurt his rotator cuff last year from just running on the playground at school and falling.

My comfort zone is taxed here, any suggestions. He would like to go, and for the first time, I have had to say no. What a horrible feeling.

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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by Brooke »

Hello Gwen, my name is Brooke, I am 12 and I have Erb's Palsy in my right arm. I went skiing for my first time this year with my sister and it very scary for me! I found it very hard to push with my right arm and when I fell on it my arm hurt very much! Also I was not able to get back up without the help of my sister. Maybe if you do decide to let your son go he can have a buddie to stay with him. To make sure he is okay while he is skiing. Having my sister with me sure helped!
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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by admin »

Hi Brooke,
What a wonderful suggestion. My son is 10, and we suggested to him a private ski lessons another time, and a ski buddy when we can arrange it.

Thanks for sharing your experience.


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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by Lenni »

Hi Gwen, Brooke took the words out of my mouth! How about a buddy? Someone he is trusting of as well? My Daughter is 8 yrs old and I would never tell he she couldn't do it but I also know it would not be easy for her to do it.........she has a great friend that is always very helpful to her and one i am very trusting of to help her out. Does your son have someone like that in his life? It's a toughy this one....I completley understand the hard decision you have to make. Good Luck !

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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by jep98056 »

I'm a 64 year old ROBPI victim. I have been downhill skiing for 47 years. Getting up from a fall can be difficult but certainly doable. It's also difficult for skiiers with 2 normal arms!! I recall the most challenge for me as a new skiier was negotiating the rope tows with essentially one hand!!

Certainly you are the best judge to determine whether your son should try skiing. The adequacy of adult supervision, availability of safe equipment, clothing for the elements, etc. are important factors that come to mind in addition to your son's physical capabilities. I remember that my parents were always supportive of something I wanted to try as a youth and my injury certainly affected my athletic performances (I didn’t tackle very well and dribbling to my right was to my opponents benefit!) but I soon figured out my limitations and made the necessary adjustments.

Skiing poses certain risks to any participant and your raised anxiety level is understandable. But what about your son's anxiety level? He just might have a great time trying something new with his friends. Or he might decide that skiing is not for him. Whatever choice he makes he'll know that his parents will be there to support him.

John P.
Vanda Roseboom
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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by Vanda Roseboom »

Hi, we had the same issue last year - my son was just turning twelve so we decided to let him try and arranged for his dad to be one of the parent volunteer supervisors so he could help him -well it didn't turn out so great Richard doesn't have great control of his right foot- shoots left in soccer even though right is dominant and is always falling if he tries to skateboard - anyway he lost control and was taken off the hill on a stretcher and hurt the ligaments in his knee and spent a couple of weeks on crutches - go with your gut and if it says not worth it find something else fun to do with him that day. Just my two cents worth - I just find there are tonnes of other activities a little safer than skiing for my son.
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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by CW1992 »

Hi all,
Gwen - I know it is a hard decision and I feel for you to have to make it. Your son is a good skater though isn't he? He must have fairly good balance.
With me, I've always felt that if I stopped Brittney from doing an activity - because of her arm - that she would resent and blame her arm for holding her back. Also - I feel that she is the only one who knows what she is capable of - and she needs to be learning on her own what she wants to try. I let her go to a week long camp with her friends last summer, 11 yrs old, - knowing it was going to be all very physical stuff. I was so worried but I knew that if I stopped her from going it was only because of my fears - not hers. I believe that to her 'staying home' would have been so much worse than getting hurt. A week later she came home with all sorts of stories about how she climbed trees and swung from the 'zip line' and went tubing, canoeing, banana boating, and so on. She actually did many things that her friends weren't able to do - and although some things were difficult for her - she got to try them and see for herself. Her and her friends talk alot about the fun they had at camp and if I wouldn't have let her go, I guess she would be resenting me and her arm injury for telling her she wasn't capable... She ended up going and finding out that she loves tubing - and that was the activity that I was the most worried about. If she would have gotten hurt at camp - which is possible for any kid to get hurt - we would have dealt with it then.
I've skied and the tow rope is pretty tough - but who knows - he might master it better than his friends. If he can grab a moving rope and let it pull him up a small hill - he'll be fine. Ski school will teach him how to make a V 'wedge' to slow himself down, and falling in the snow to me is softer than falling on the ground. If it were me I'd leave the decision completely up to my child - if she thought she could handle it then I would believe in her.
Gwen - I know you are worried and I hope everything works out well whatever you decide.
John - I always love reading your input!
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Re: School Ski Field Trip

Post by admin »

Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences, and ideas.

I have always tried to support my son in all activities he has wanted to try, and he has accomplished a lot thus far. However, on this (for the very first time), my gut reaction is no. We are going to offer him private lessons from a friend who is a qualified ski instructor and is on the ski patrol. I don't believe the school will supervise him anymore than anyone else, and I believe there are four classes going, (probably a total of 120 children).

I have fairly good instincts and I just don't feel confident on this one.

Thanks again.

