new injury

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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new injury

Post by tjones »

My 20 year old son was in the wrong place at the wrong time and shot in the shoulder just a week ago. Now the family is trying to deal with the issues of a bpi. I'm trying to locate some support with no luck. As it is they have sent him home with heavy narcotics to ease the pain. Two trips to the ER in the past 4 days has only left us more confused. Any advise on how to help would be appreciated.
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Re: new injury

Post by Ginajam »

Hi TJones

I can only feel for you at this moment and send my prayer's. My brother's injury was from a motorcycle/car accident. My brother's injury is avulsion of the 5 nerves. It has been 7 weeks since the accident. We live in Australia and have found limited information and consult re: my brother's injury. In our experience it is important to pursue advice and monitor your son's reaction to medications he is administered. We have also come to understand that "time" is an important factor in this injury. Of course you want action and relief from your son's pain immediately but in my brother's experience there were difficulties that we just felt beside ourselves with his situation. 7 weeks on, he has just come home. He still has numerous other injuries to heal but his tbpi is the major contender. The pain has decreased in frequency but can't compensate for the pain when it is at it's worst. Please read this site and use the contacts that are recommended. Take care and be pro-active re: your son's health care. Read and follow through. Finding this site has helped us alot in understanding the injury, what individual's go through and ways of dealing with the injury on a day to day basis. Regards GJ and co.
John K
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Re: new injury

Post by John K »

approxiamately 4 yrs ago when i was injured I spoke with a man from south Florida who was also wounded by a gunshot. Ultimately I decided to seek treatment from the same Dr as him. That was Drs Klein and Teil of LSU. I cant remember the mans name but he recieved more recovery than I. Dr. Teil was very straight forward and knowledgeable about my bpi. I am very glad I saw him it is nice to have a Dr. that can understand your injury. He will look at your records and order tests if he sees a possibility that he can help you. Then if it looks promissing he will set up an appointment to see you in Louisiana. After that appointment I decided surgery was a viable option for me and we scheduled it that week. I would give his office a call to see if he can help your son. Remember that information is your friend! Arm yourself with knowledge so you can make an intelligent decision on you plan of action. I was so traumatised by my injury i wasnt as prepared as I would have liked. But you can educate yourself and share that with your son. You cannot begin to understand the pain hes in. With the pain It is hard to focus and absorb things hes reading regarding his injury. So you can help him by absorbing the information and telling what you've learned to him when hes at a time of low pain levels.

Also you should check out the trauma bpi site. There is a lot of information there to help you learn more about brachial plexus injurys.


Posts: 1393
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2003 8:27 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: MVA in 2001, nerve graph in 2002, Median Nerve Transfer in 2004 and an unsuccessful Gracillis Muscle Transfer in 2006. I am living life and loving it! Feel free to contact me :)
Location: Grosse Pointe Woods, MI

Re: new injury

Post by cbe411 »

HI tjones and WELCOME to the club that no one likes to join! Thats what we day around here! As bad a s it may seem, there is always light at the end of the tunnel! I have had my BPI almost 3 years now and there are many who have had it for waqy more years than that! They even lead "normal" lifes too! I was 21 when I got in my accident so that age thing is good and bad! You have your whole life ahead of you, but age on your side is definitly a great thing! There are so many people with TBPI and I Just keep meeting more of them! That is a good thing too, when the time is right! I had heard great things about Dr. Kline and Teil in Lousianna but also check out the Mayo CLinic in Minnisota, they work wonders too! I hnave had surgery in Lousiveille, Ky with Dr. Wolff and in Houston, Tx with Dr. Nath. You really need to talk with the doctors and see what your options are! Check out the medical resources here on the ubpn website THere are doctor all over really, depends where you live nad if you want to travel or not! Do get many opinions! Best of luck! Feel free to email me at any time! I am willing to help all that I can!

COurtney TBPI for almost 3 years!
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:12 pm

Re: new injury

Post by tjones »

Thank you all very much. I have a feeling I will be spending some time here. I have shared with Derek some of the stories here. When he is feeling up to it he wants visit. Did talk to the doc today. Unfortunatly we live in alaska and traveling will have to be done. No one wants touch him here. Have an appt later this week, thank you all again.

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Re: new injury

Post by EllenB »


I wanted to add my two cents to Courtney's message. The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota has done a phenominal job with my 16 yr old son's injury (all 5 nerves avulsed). And at least Minnesota is closer to Alaska than Louisiana!!!

We were impressed by the team approach that Mayo can offer, since each of the three doctors (Bishop, Spinner, Shin) has his own area of specialty. John has had two extensive surgeries involving muscle/tendon transfers & nerve transfers/grafting, and can already bend his arm & make a fist (surgeries Feb & Apr '03, accident Nov '02).

The important thing is to get things lined up pretty soon, because the best window for initial surgery is 3-6 months after the accident. EMG & myelogram tests are not 100% conclusive, so you'll probably be presented with several options based on what the doctors actually find when they go in. We had initially lined up three different doctors/clinics, but happened to go to Mayo first & were so overwhelmed by the expertise & facility we just stayed on for the surgery...& cancelled the other appts. (Figured since Mayo has three doctors, we got the proverbial three opinions anyway!) All that to say, you might find you're staying on for immediate surgery if you're positively impressed. (So pack enough underwear.)

Please, please keep us posted.
