Kari & Caleb need prayers for this afternoon...

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2002 4:28 pm

Re: Kari & Caleb need prayers for this afternoon...

Post by Mommyanders »

Thank you thank you thank you for all your many wonderful well wishes. I'm so close to tears (of happiness) at knowing that we were thought of so much through this really rough week of ours.

Basically, Caleb's injury is classified as "Total Brachial Plexus Injury". This means that every single one of his nerves in the BP were injured. So, what we thought was a mere moderate injury, is now classified as very severe. We probably should have had primary done, but both Kozin and Francine has reminded us that the past can't be fixed, only the future can.

So, here is the lastest scoop on Caleb. Caleb is too severe to do a simple muscle transfer. Any attempt to take and transfer within his arm will cause severe disabilities to the area they take FROM. So, the only way to help him is to do a two part surgery which will connect his wrist function to the opening of his hand. This means that they when he drops his wrist down, his fingers will open, when he lifts his wrist up, his fingers will close. There will be no involvement of his fingers. BUT, we have some major obsticles that have to be overcome in order for us to have these procedures. Caleb's wrist extensures (the up movement) is so tight that there is no way to even see if Caleb can flex his wrist (downward movement). So they injected botox into his wrist extensure to see if weakening that muscle for 3 months will give therapy time to strengthen Caleb's wrist flexion enough to make this surgery possible. If we can prove Caleb has the ability to drop his wrist, then surgery will be performed to lenthen his wrist extensures and attach the flexion movement to the finger extensures. Also, Caleb has to regain the ability to straighten his IP joints in his pointer and middle fingers.

All that to say that he has to do a lot in the next 3 months. We need a miracle everyone! So much rides on Caleb working really, really hard or basically Kozin says nothing can be done and he will live the rest of his life with a fisted hand. We talked about a donor muscles transfer, but none of Caleb's nerves are strong enough within his arm to support a donor muscle. This is how severe Caleb's injury is, and we never knew it was this bad.

Sorry this is so long winded. I'm still trying to process all this information and come to terms with it. (How???) Please be in prayer for me emotionally and please, please, please pray that Caleb will be able to flex his wrist. I just don't know if I can accept him never being able to open his little hand. So please please pray.


Posts: 242
Joined: Thu May 16, 2002 6:41 pm

Re: Kari & Caleb need prayers for this afternoon...

Post by Susie »

KARI – I am so sorry to hear the extent of Caleb’s injury!!!! It literally has brought tears to my eyes that you are just now finding all of this out. I will continue to pray for Caleb and your family and ask that he can get that wrist movement so that he can eventually open his little hand. I can imagine this trip being very, very hard for you!! It sounds like you are in good hands with Kozin and I am glad you there. {{{HUGS}}}