Delayed Posts and Log In

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Board Moderator
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:48 pm

Delayed Posts and Log In

Post by Board Moderator »

Delayed Posts - guests

Please remember to sign in/Log in.
If you post as a guest your post must be read by one of the Board Moderator's and approved that is why your post does not appear.

UBPN is staffed by volunteers and sometimes many hours pass before your post is approved. We do our best to see that the board is monitored at regular intervals to approve guests posts.

We realize that it is necessary for some to post as guests and we are not trying to discourage this just asking that those who can log in before posting.

UBPN Message Board Policy and Mission Statement

Posts that violate message board policy will be removed and if an e-mail is provided we will notify the poster as to the reason.

Thank you
UBPN Board Moderators
